Epic Games Store is giving away another free game [8 Haziran 2023]

Epic Games Store is giving away another free game 8

Epic Games Store, gives another new free game. The company continues to please people with free productions.

Epic Games Store The new game, which was given as a free gift to the players, was previously sold for 76 TL. PAYDAY 2 it happened. The following description has been given for this game: “PAYDAY 2; is an action-packed four-player co-shooter that allows players to once again put on the masks of the original PAYDAY crew (Dallas, Hoxton, Wolf and Chains) who descended on Washington DC on an epic crime spree. The CRIME.NET network offers a wide range of dynamic jobs. Players are free to take on any business, from small-time market robberies or kidnappings to major cybercrime or major bank robberies for an epic PAYDAY. While you’re in DC, why not do a few political errands by joining the local community?”


Epic Games Store If the game previously given for free by Midnight Ghost Hunt had happened. The following summary description was given about this game: “A chaotic multiplayer game of hide and seek. Get inside seemingly harmless objects as Ghosts or chase Ghosts before it’s midnight as Hunters! Relentless spirits lurk in the halls, lurking in a series of cursed places. Tasked with eliminating these spirits, the Ghost Hunters are armed to the teeth with ghoul hunting technology to drive them to another realm! Play as both the Ghost and the Slayer in chaotic 4v4 battles between the living and the dead. As a Ghost, hide inside seemingly harmless pieces of furniture to evade the Hunting Hunters… Then, when the Hunters turn their backs, use the environment against them with telekinetic bombardment. No chair, lamp or pendulum clock is innocent in this hilarious frenzy. The fun isn’t over yet… When the clock strikes twelve, the witchcraft hour begins and the Hunters become the real Hunt. The situation is reversed and the Hunters have limited time to survive the vengeful rage of the overpowered Ghosts. Collaborate with your teammates to ensure a successful victory by communicating about the paths that enemies may pass. Create a synergy with your team’s abilities to outsmart your opponents.”
