Epic Games Free Games Announced!

Epic Games, one of today’s popular game purchasing platforms, has not slowed down in free game distribution. Especially the games that it has recently given for free are of A quality and make the players very happy.

First, let’s take a look at the 2 games that will be given for free; Our first game to be given free of charge is MORDHAU and the other game is Second Extinction. When we take a look at the games, we come across as a familiar game in two games.


Set in the Middle Ages, MORDHAU is a very enjoyable game. With multiplayer and single-player modes, you can have a pleasant time with your friends. The normal price of the game is 229 TL.

Second Extinction

It is among the well-known names of Second Extinction FPS games released in 2020. It is an action-packed game in which you will fight against giant dinosaurs and try to survive.
