Epic fantasy adventure that brilliantly remakes a 64-year-old book

Epic fantasy adventure that brilliantly remakes a 64 year old book

An island with two mountains? That can only be Lummerland! That’s right: Today you can watch Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver on TV, in a charming live-action adaptation that lovingly and affectionately catapults the 64-year-old material into the present day.

That’s what today’s TV tip is about: Jim Knopf and Lukas the Engine Driver

On the island with two mountains called Lummerland, the world is still in order. Life is accordingly tranquil there. But the problems do not stop at the island. Because the island is said to be too small for all its inhabitants, the once stranded orphan boy Jim Knopf (Solomon Gordon) and Lukas the Engine Driver (Henning Baum)
set out with Lok Emma to explore the wide world.

In the process, they come across the most curious creatures, such as the false giant Mr. Tur Tur or the half-dragon Nepomuk. Ultimately, however, the two main characters set out on the adventurous and turbulent search for the missing Princess Li Siwho is held captive in the Dragon City.

Warner Bros. Entertainment

Jim Button and Lukas the Engine Driver with Emma, ​​the engine.

Jim Button and Lukas the Engine Driver is based on a children’s book, but is suitable for all ages

Jim Button and Lukas the Engine Driver is based on the extremely successful and well-known children’s book of the same name by Michael Ende from 1960. Surprisingly, we are even dealing with the first live-action adaptation of the material to do, although the film only started in German cinemas in 2018. Before that, there were the very well-known adaptations by the Augsburger Puppenkiste as a series and an animated series from 1999.

Anyone who knows the original will probably get one shiver of nostalgia after another and will feel at home with this film adaptation from the very beginning. Anyone who has never heard of Jim Button and the Engine Driver Lukas can be doubly happy: you have a really imaginative, heartwarming adventure journey full of dazzling, lovingly staged characters before you.

TV or stream: When and where is Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver shown?

Sat.1 shows today at 20:15 the film adaptation of the Michael Ende classic and will be repeated on Sunday at 4:45 p.m.

You can also stream the film on Magenta TV, Amazon or Google. Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver is not currently included in a classic streaming flat rate with a subscription such as Netflix or Disney+.

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