Ephesus 2022 made neighboring Greece shudder! Fear of ‘Turkey’ in the press

Ephesus 2022 made neighboring Greece shudder Fear of Turkey in

EFES 2022 military exercise in the Aegean Sea continues with the participation of 37 countries. Helicopters, howitzers, armored vehicles and landing craft take part in the exercise, which is the largest joint exercise of the TAF in the Aegean. In Greece, which was very worried about this exercise, there were news in the press that the islands would be invaded.

According to the news of Akşam, the participation of Azerbaijan’s special forces units in the EFES 2022 exercise, which was held in İzmir with the participation of 37 countries under the leadership of the TAF, created an earthquake effect in the Greek media. Claiming that Turkey will use Azerbaijani special forces soldiers to “invade Greece”, Greek media outlets stressed that Turkey’s first exercise in the Aegean with a Libyan warship also raises concerns in Greece.



Greek television channel Mega TV drew particular attention to the participation of Libya, Azerbaijan, Pakistan and neighboring country Albania in the exercise, claiming that the special forces units of the relevant countries could be trained by the Turkish army and assigned to land on the Greek islands. The media announced that another neighboring country, North Macedonia, with which Greece has tense relations, also participated in the exercise.



The following statements were included in the comment made in the publication organ:

“Libya’s gunboat ‘Safak’ came to Turkey to participate in the exercise. This is clearly a challenge. Turkey’s 4th Drill Ship can drill off Crete. Libya considers Crete offshore within Turkish maritime borders. Drilling sovereignty If Turkey drills off Crete, we may lose our sovereignty.”

The Greek City Times tried to defame Turkey with an irrational accusation in its news titled “Turkish and Azeri special forces units carried out exercises to seize the Greek islands”.

Pro News, on the other hand, wrote that “Ankara is accustoming the Azeris to the Aegean, as Azerbaijan wants to repay the debt of the Karabakh victory.”

37 countries, including Azerbaijan and Pakistan, participated in the EFES 2022 exercise in Izmir.
