Ephemeris | Observe comet Leonardo

Ephemeris Observe comet Leonardo

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To close this year 2021, a comet very promising is coming. Visible at telescope and binoculars, Comet Leonardo could potentially be visible to theeye naked.

From December 4, it will be bright enough to be seen with instruments and binoculars. Until December 11, you will see her crossing the constellation du Bouvier and descend towards the horizon, while increasing brightness. From December 12, it will be too low to be observable in good conditions.

However, it will also be observable at dusk between December 9 and 25. It moves rapidly day after day from the western horizon to the south, but will remain flush with the horizon. It is for this reason that a clear observation site is necessary. It is during its evening visibility that it could potentially be visible to the naked eye.

