Eon raises the electricity grid fee sharply – again

In the Stockholm area, Eon raised the fee by twelve percent at the turn of the year. And from the first of August this year, they are increasing by a further nine percent. The electricity company will therefore raise the fee by almost 22 percent this year.

In central and southern Sweden, where Örebro, Småland, Halland and Skåne are included, the electricity grid fee will be increased by six percent in August. And at the turn of the year, the fee was increased by nine percent.

According to Eon themselves, this is due to cost increases.

We have explosive demand for both electricity and grid connections. And that requires large investments, says Gustav Wengen, head of department at Eon.

And the costs of the investments have increased, among other things due to inflation and greatly increased material costs.

Criticism of the increase

Björn Berggren, energy expert at Sveriges Allmännytta – believes, however, that this is not true.

The real explanation is that they want to bring in more revenue and be able to make more money. That is my opinion.

According to Sweden’s Allmännytta, the price increases will mean an increase of just over SEK 760 per year for those living in an apartment building in the Stockholm area, and a price increase of SEK 675 per year in central and southern Sweden.

Sweden’s electricity grid is part of a natural monopoly and it is the electricity grid companies themselves that determine their prices. That is why there is the Energy Market Inspectorate, which sets the framework for how much electricity grid companies can charge, so-called revenue frameworks.

Recently, the revenue framework was changed, so that the electricity network companies can raise the price by a further 40 percent over the next three years. And some may raise the price even more.

More price increases to be expected

The Energy Market Inspectorate believes that it is too early to say how many percent Eon can raise prices by. But according to Sweden’s Allmännytta’s calculations, Eon can increase by over 60 percent.

It is probably quite likely that they do. They have already raised 22 percent in one year, says Björn Berggren.

According to Gustav Wengen from Eon, more price increases are coming. But he cannot answer how much it involves.

I can say that there will be more increases, but not in that dimension. We haven’t made any decisions yet.

Since last year, the other two large companies, Vattenfall, have raised electricity network prices by 12 percent and Ellevio has lowered its prices by 17 percent.

Fact: The electricity grid fee will be that much more expensive

In Eon’s Stockholm price range, the electricity grid fee increases by SEK 764 per year for those who live in apartment buildings.

In Eon’s South price area, which includes Skåne, Blekinge, Halland, Småland, Östra Götaland and Örebro, the electricity grid fee increases by SEK 675 per year, for those who live in apartment buildings.

In Eon’s price range in the north, the electricity grid fee will not be increased.

Source: Sweden’s Allmännytta
