environmentalists take on PFAS, the eternal pollutants

environmentalists take on PFAS the eternal pollutants

While themes concerning the environment are struggling to find their place in a very geopolitically oriented European campaign, environmentalists have decided to make themselves heard in an original way. This Thursday, May 16, in the heart of Paris, they organized tests for eternal pollutants, which can be detected using hair analysis. And the head of the environmentalist list Marie Toussaint has found unexpected allies.

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There are several dozen of them lining up in front of the stand set up by the ecologists. Dozens of uniformed firefighters originally came to demonstrate against their lack of funding. But like Christophe, about to have a lock of hair taken, some take the opportunity to worry about their health.

We are people at risk. We know that we are exposed to chemical substances. Afterwards, I learned about this type of contamination recently “, he explains. However, firefighters are regularly exposed to eternal pollutants, without really any reaction at the highest level, deplores Guillaume, who comes from Bordeaux.

It’s something that worries us, yes, but which obviously only worries us. Our various bosses, the State, for them, it is not proven that firefighters develop more cancers than the rest of the population. This is what we would like to demonstrate through this type of test », he hopes.

An impromptu meeting, but ideal for environmentalists

This impromptu meeting therefore proves ideal for the head of the environmentalist list for the Europeans Marie Toussaint, who does not miss the opportunity to make one of her campaign themes resonate. “ Regarding eternal pollutants, which are used in firefighter foam or in terms of waterproofing, we need to protect those who protect us, who take care of us, especially in a world which is increasingly marked by climatic hazards », says Marie Toussaint.

This speech was welcomed by the firefighters present. Despite the duty of reserve, some even admit their support for it, marked by the giant fires and record floods that they have recently faced.

Also listenHow have PFAS, “eternal pollutants”, contaminated the world?
