Environmentalists bathed in Sergel’s square

The Green Party had a successful election and received a preliminary 13.8 percent of the vote.
Then there was bathing in the fountain on Sergels torg in Stockholm.
– We are bigger than SD!, was shouted during the Sunday night.

“We are bigger than SD!”

Those words echoed in central Stockholm from very happy environmentalists after winning 13.8 percent of the vote in the EU election. Around 01 on Sunday night, people from Grön ungdom went to the fountain on Sergels torg, jumped in, and started singing.

They celebrated that the Green Party became the third largest in the EU elections after the Social Democrats and the Moderates. There was enormous joy at the party’s vigil when the preliminary figures were presented.

– It is wonderful to see these numbers. We are strong, we are the third largest party, says spokesperson Daniel Helldén.

The Sweden Democrats backed down

The Sweden Democrats preliminarily received 13.2 percent of the vote, a decrease of 2.1 percentage points compared to the last election. It was a disappointed Jimmie Åkesson who spoke to his party.

– It is clear that this election campaign will need to be analyzed. We need to think about why we are not growing. But we get to keep our three mandates, said the party leader during his speech.

The crisis parties passed the barrier

As it stands, no party will leave the EU Parliament. The Liberals finally got over the barrier of 4.4 percent.

– We were calculated, but they were wrong, again, says L leader Johan Pehrson.

Other parties in crisis before the election were the Christian Democrats and the Center Party, but both managed to get on safe ground and KD landed on 5.7 percent and C on 7.3 percent.

The Left Party was another of the evening’s winners and increases from one to two mandates. V looks set to get 10.9 percent and if so increases the most of all.
