Environmental activists block road to airport


  • Environmental activists block road to airport

    About 50 protesters are blocking car traffic to and from Kastrup airport in Copenhagen, write TV4.

    “Ban private flights,” the banners read.

    The police are on the scene with several resources.

    Air traffic should not be affected by the incident.


  • Two to hospital after barn fire

    During Saturday afternoon, a barn outside Åsele caught fire.

    – It burns a lot. The barn may burn down under controlled conditions. The rescue service is trying to protect adjacent buildings, says the operator at the rescue service SVT Västerbotten.

    Two people have been taken to hospital, one of them by ambulance helicopter to Lycksele.

    The extent of the damage is unclear.

    The cause of the fire is to be investigated, according to the police. The extinguishing work is expected to continue until the evening.

  • Princess Madeleine: “Happy Midsummer!”

    Photo: Instagram: princess_madeleine_of_sweden

    Princess Madeleine wishes everyone a “Happy Midsummer!”, in a slide show on Instagram.

    Ted Gärdestad’s “Sol, wind and water” is also played in the post.

    In one of the photos, she is standing on a pier with her three children, Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas and Princess Adrienne. Everyone except the prince has a wreath of flowers around his head.

    Whether it is the husband Chris O’Neill who took the picture is not clear.

    Read more here.

  • Suspected robber found sleeping on tram

    Yesterday, an armed man robbed a pharmacy in Kortedala in Gothenburg.

    Now the police believe they have found the robber – sleeping on a tram.

    During the night, two security guards are said to have checked the man on the tram and discovered that he had a plastic bag with narcotic drugs that matched those stolen from the pharmacy.

    He also had a replica of a weapon. He has now been arrested on suspicion of aggravated robbery, aggravated unlawful threat and aggravated weapons offences.

    Police are still looking for possible accomplices.

  • People and dogs in car accident

    A car has driven into the ditch on the E6 at the height of Vellinge.

    Two people and two dogs traveled in the car, but no one is said to have been physically injured.

    – For an unknown reason, they have driven into a water-filled ditch, says Evelina Olsson from the police in the South region.

    Police and emergency services have been called to the scene.

    The accident occurred in the southbound direction.

  • The patient who escaped from Sahlgrenska has been arrested

    A patient at Sahlgrenska Hospital in Gothenburg became aggressive and escaped during Thursday evening.

    He then went to a nearby parking garage and robbed a woman in her car.

    – It appears that the man has forced the woman into the car but that she managed to leave the scene, according to initial information, said police spokesperson August Brandt on Friday.

    On Saturday reports P4 Gothenburg that he was arrested in a residence.

    The incident is being investigated as gross abuse of means of transportation, illegal deprivation of liberty, gross negligence in traffic and illegal driving.

  • Hamas: Over 100 dead after attacks on Gaza

    At least 101 people have been killed and 169 injured in Israeli attacks on Gaza over the past 24 hours, according to the Hamas-controlled health ministry, Reuters reports.

    Overnight, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said in a post on X that its field hospital in Gaza received 22 dead and 45 injured after projectiles struck next to a tent camp.

    According to the post, the ICRC office must also have been damaged in connection with the shelling. The organization does not write which actor is said to have been behind the attack

  • Two men arrested – exposed girls to rape and attempted rape

    Two men have been arrested on suspicion of rape and attempted rape of two girls in Tanum municipality.

    The police were alerted late on Friday evening and the crimes allegedly took place outside.

    – Considering that it is a sensitive matter, I will not go into more details, says August Brandt, the police’s press spokesperson.

    The case is led by prosecutors.

  • Car and electric scooter in collision – one person to hospital

    At 10 o’clock on Saturday morning, a passenger car and an electric scooter collided on Vikingavägen in Lund.

    The driver of the electric scooter was injured and taken to hospital by ambulance.

  • Fully developed fire in Huddinge

    Photo: Reader image

    Police and emergency services have responded to a fully developed fire at an industrial premises in Huddinge, south of Stockholm.

    – We have a fairly large resource on site and it is a heavy fire, says police spokesperson Helena Boström Thomas and continues:

    – One person has been taken to hospital with smoke damage, but is said to have been awake and able to speak.

    Another person received treatment on the spot and two others are said to have been checked.

    But it is still unclear if more people were injured in the fire.

    Read more here.

  • Truck has overturned – leaked 50 liters of oil

    For an unknown reason, a truck overturned and leaked around 50 liters of hydraulic oil in Bestorp outside Linköping.

    – The accident happened on a minor road near a residential area. Something broke in the engine that caused the oil to leak out, says Christian Lind, officer on duty at the rescue service.

    The leak should not have reached anyone’s property.

    – No one has been injured. The truck must be recovered and we will clean up the place, says Christian Lind.

  • Man dead after overturning with car in Kiruna

    A man has died after overturning on road 870 in Kiruna just after 00:30.

    The police will investigate what may have caused the accident, no criminal complaint has been drawn up at this time.

    The car has been impounded for a technical examination.

    Relatives have been notified.

  • Shooting at residence in Akalla

    At around 04:30 on Saturday, there was a call about a shooting at a residence in an apartment building in Akalla in northwest Stockholm.

    – The shot seems to have gone through a pane of glass, says Helena Boström Thomas, police spokesperson.

    According to the police, there are also traces outside the home that indicate that an object has detonated.

    – There is damage outside the home, I don’t want to go into all the details at the moment, says Helena Boström Thomas.

    Several people were sleeping in the home and one person received minor shrapnel injuries.

    A preliminary investigation into attempted murder, aggravated weapons crime and public destruction has been launched.

    Do you suspect a connection to gang crime?

    – It is a bit early to say for certain, but it is clear that we are looking at events with which it may have a connection, says Helena Boström Thomas.

    A dog patrol is searching the area and so far no one has been arrested.

    Read more here.

  • Villa fire in Vargön – one person to hospital

    At 02:00 on the night of Saturday, there was an alarm about a house fire in Vargön in the municipality of Vänersborg.

    One person was taken to hospital by ambulance, reports say P4 West.

    According to the emergency services, it must have taken several hours before the fire was extinguished.

  • Man found dead in lake in Partille

    A man has been found dead in a lake in Stora Kåsjön in Partille, reports GP.

    A caller had seen a person in the water and the police, ambulance and emergency services went to the scene at 8.15pm on Friday evening. The police later announced that the person found was dead.

    – We have identified the person and relatives have been notified, says Göran Carlbom, duty officer at the police in the West region to the newspaper.

    According to the police, the person must have been reported missing earlier in June.

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  • Where is the article on how to protect yourself from AI on Facebook.


    Hello Moa! You can find our guide here.

  • Regarding p1 decision that summer is only broadcast in the SR app. Isn’t that a slap in the face to all pensioners who don’t have the app. What do pensioner organizations say about this? I can imagine that many older people are listening. Which only has the radio.

    Ronny Andersson.

    Hello! This is what it says on SR’s website: “If you want to listen to Summer in P1, you can either listen directly on FM at 1 p.m., just as usual, or on Sveriges Radio Play – where you can also listen to the summer episodes afterwards” .

    You can therefore listen live on the radio. However, you will not be able to listen to the episodes in other apps such as Spotify.

  • Reading about the exchange of prisoners with Iran. What happens to the doctor Djalali? He is not mentioned.

    Katarina Nordgren

    Hello! We don’t actually know, but we’re trying to find out now.

  • Hello Bo Göran! Now I assume we are thinking the same thing and you can’t find the article on the site. We have written about the scary accident here.

  • Has the airport at Palma reopened?


    Yes exactly. It was closed for a while but is now open again. Read more here.

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