Environment, collaboration protocol signed between Lombardy Region and Eni

Environment collaboration protocol signed between Lombardy Region and Eni

(Telestock) – Lombardy region and Eni This morning they signed a protocol that provides for important collaboration on issues related to the circular economy, the development and diffusion of more sustainable technologies with the aim of environmental remediation, the regeneration of areas considered abandoned and degraded through the development of renewable energy sources, the study and experimentation of integrated solutions for more sustainable mobility, the development of new production chains, research and innovation to promote digitalization processes and the application of Artificial Intelligence on technologies and analyses, for example, in the field of decarbonisation.

“For us, the term sustainability has three meanings: environmental, economic and social. Collaboration with a partner like Eni is crucial for research, innovation and to achieve the circularity and decarbonisation objectives contained in the regional sustainable development plan. Lombardy is used to anticipating the times and wants to consolidate itself as an international model also in terms of environmental policies and sustainable development” declared the President of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fountain.

“Lombardy is leading the ecological transition process at a European level. We have an 85% recovery of materials and energy and a sustainable development model that combines environmental, economic and social needs. In recent months I visited the environmental and biology laboratories of the Eni Research Centre in San Donato Milanese. An extraordinary centre that will help us raise the bar also in terms of concrete support for the world of production, for the development of the country’s competitiveness through new projects that contribute to combining, increasingly better, industrial activity with greater protection of the environment and health. Research, environment and economy are synonymous for us” he added George Mayonnaiseregional councilor for the Environment and Climate.

“Collaborative initiatives with the territories are essential to be able to identify and propose new development models for the energy transition: this is the case of this memorandum of understanding with the Lombardy Region whose areas of interest concern areas such as the circular economy, the objective of environmental remediation and energy efficiency. In this territory, Eni is also studying the reconversion of some of its industrial sites with a particular focus on the study and experimentation of solutions capable of contributing to the reduction of emissions from road, air and maritime mobility, through alternatives including the production of biofuels from renewable sources such as HVO and SAF, hydrogen and the development of an electric charging network” he declared Joseph CurlsGeneral Manager Energy Evolution of Eni.

The protocol will be effective for the entire duration of the legislature with the possibility of providing, for its implementation, specific agreements in each of the areas provided for. The document provides, in addition to the areas of research and symbiosis industrialalso a joint contribution by the Lombardy Region and Eni to policies for adaptation to changes climate through scenario studies, promotion of innovation, promotion of training courses and awareness and information campaigns, in order to spread a culture of circularity.
