Environment Canada issues heat warning in Huron-Perth

Environment Canada issues heat warning in Huron Perth

Temperatures are expected to peak near 31 C during a two-day heat event beginning Tuesday in Perth and Huron counties, hot enough for Environment Canada to issue a heat warning.

The Humidex is expected to reach highs in the upper 30s and overnight low temperatures aren’t likely to provide much relief hovering around 20 C.

Slightly cooler temperatures are expected in the region on Thursday, the agency said.

Public health officials in Southwestern Ontario units are advising area residents to keep their cool by staying hydrated, avoiding spending time outdoors, refraining from intense physical work and cutting out unnecessary idling in vehicles.

Symptoms of heat-related illness include dizziness/fainting, nausea/vomiting, rapid breathing and heartbeat, extreme thirst, and decreased urination.

Exposure to heat can also cause swelling, rash, cramps, fainting, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and the worsening of some health conditions, Environment Canada said.
