(Finance) – Aeneas identified Some beneficial molecules present in coffee that can be used to develop new products in the food, nutraceutical, cosmetic and agricultural fields. Published in the sector magazine Plants, the research was conducted with the support of some Mexican research institutes and the international Italian-Latin American organization (Iila). The study is of particular importance in that it highlights the properties of the cascara (dried peel), among the by -products so far less studied than coffee.
“The scraps of the coffee bean are often considered a problem but, thanks to scientific research, they can turn into ‘mines’ of beneficial molecules, such as antioxidants, polyphenols, carotenoids, flavonoids and minerals, to create value -added products for various sectors” , explains the researcher Enea Loretta Bacchetta, Coaching of the study together with colleagues Oliviero Maccioni (Circular Circular Bioeconomics Laboratory), Gianfranco Direct and Sarah Frusciante (Green Biotechnology Laboratory).
“We have identified the highest number ever of non -volatile molecules of dried cascara, 93, opening the way to its best reuse, in line with the principles of circular economy and bioeconomics, generating additional income for coffee farmers “ Add Bacchetta.
For this research Enea has chosen Mexico as a case of study, in particular the mountainous area of the Sierra de Zongolica, in Veracruz, where high quality coffee is grown without the use of pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals.
“In that region of Mexico traditional agricultural systems are faced with large challenges related to climate and socio -cultural changes, as well as asymmetrical commercial relations (about 80% of the earnings go to the companies that buy it here)”, underlines Bacchetta. “For these reasons – he adds – a group of 20 coffee farmers families has started a diversification process with respect to the production of coffee, reusing its by -products, in particular dried cascara in the form of fertilizer (40%) and infusion For drinks (5%). But it is a product that could also be used As a nutritional and functional additive in the food field, such as already happens in Switzerland “.
In addition to the Cascara, the other by -products of coffee processing, such as the parchment and the Silverskin, can play a role of antioxidants and anti -flaung additives thanks to their polyphenolic compounds. In particular, the parchment can be used as a herbicide around fruit trees, while Silverskin can become a Food ingredient, thickening and coloring, as well as being used in the infusions and to improve the physical and chemical properties of agricultural soil in the cultivation of edible mushrooms.
The production of coffee is concentrated in developing countries located between the two tropics, where it represents a considerable share of the income deriving from exports and constitutes a key source of sustenance for over 25 million families. Coffee is the second most exchanged product in the world, exceeded only by oil. World production for 2023-2024 is estimated at around 180 million bags of 60 kg (57% Arabic quality and 43% robust), while the by-products (both the processing of the fresh product and the roasting), are calculated in the two-year period In about 840 million bags. “Considering the volatility of international coffee prices, environmental factors such as climate change and parasites, trade and the enhancement of coffee by -products could be advantageous for manufacturing families, the global coffee industry and the environment “, Ends Bacchetta.