Enrollment in kindergarten: when, age, procedures?

Enrollment in kindergarten when age procedures

Most registrations in nursery schools begin in March and sometimes even as early as January in some municipalities. If you need to register your child for the start of the 2023 school year, here is our advice and all the steps to take to be on time.

When your child is old enough to go to school, he should be enrolled in a kindergarten. In France, education is compulsory for all children, whether French or foreign. As a parent or guardian, you therefore have a duty to take the steps toregistration for kindergarten. But between the dates to be respected to submit the registration file on time, the choice of establishment, the documents to give, it is not always easy to find your way around and especially to know where to start. To help you, here is all the information you need to know to registering your child for the first time in kindergarten.

When should you enroll your child in kindergarten?

If you want enroll your child in kindergarten for the back to school 2023, do not delay in taking the steps. Generally it is between the months of March and April that registration begins. But some municipalities are starting to register them earlier, in January or February, like a Montpellier which has already opened its registration campaign, from January 9 to 20, 2023, in the 116 public schools in the city for the next school year in September. It is therefore important to inquire early with your town hall in order to know the deadlines for registration at the nursery school of your choice.

At what age should you enroll your child in kindergarten?

Education is now compulsory from the age of three. Your child can also attend school from the age of two, within the limits of available places and under certain conditions, adapted to their age (with specific equipment and flexible hours). Finally, the children are registered until the age of six, before they go back to primary school.

Can you enroll your child in school before the age of 3?

Children aged 2 at the start of the school year can be enrolled in school “under certain conditions”specifies the national education website. Admission is in kindergarten from 2 years old “Within the limit of available seats”. It is also possible to open priority places in certain areas: “urban, rural, mountain areas, in overseas departments and regions and underprivileged social environments”, indicates the ministry.

Which school to enroll your child in?

You have the choice between public school or private school. For enroll your child in public school, you must contact your town hall, which will tell you which school corresponds to your sector. However, if you wish to enroll him in a school other than that of your municipality, you must request an exemption from your town hall. In this case, you will have to obtain the agreement of the mayor of your residence and that of the municipality in which the school is located. But this approach is rarely accepted when it comes to a first registration, unless it is a special case. In the event of difficulties in enrolling your child, be aware that the Directorate of Departmental Services for National Education in your department can help you find a solution. Finally, once your child is enrolled in nursery school, he can stay there throughout his nursery schooling.

To enroll your child in kindergarten, there are several steps to take. Before going to the town hall, bring your family book, an identity card or a copy of an extract from the child’s birth certificate, a recent proof of residence, and a document attesting that your child is up to date with his compulsory vaccinations for his age (diphtheria, tetanus and poliomyelitis). The town hall will then issue you a Certificate of Registration on which is indicated the kindergarten to which your child is assigned. To definitively confirm your child’s registration, you must then go to the director of the establishment indicated on the registration certificate, accompanied by your child. To do this, you must present your registration certificate (issued by the town hall) as well as the document certifying that your child has had the compulsory vaccinations for his age or has a contraindication. These steps are necessary for the first registration in kindergarten. If your child renews his school year in the same school, registration does not have to be renewed each year. To note : You can also, depending on your city, complete your procedures online.

To enroll their child in school, some parents write a application letter not being able to meet the head of the school. This letter must remain above all formal and contain the main information, namely: the child’s first and last name, date of birth, place of birth and the subject of your request.

When to send the registration file to the nursery school?

In the majority of cases, registration for kindergarten must be made no later than June before the start of the school year in September. The municipalities generally also specify the deadlines for filing and sending the registration file for your child.

Should you re-enroll your child in school every year?

There is no need to re-enroll your child each year when he stays in the same school. Registration for the following year is done automatically by the establishment.

Are you planning to move and change your school children to be closer to home? All you have to do is inform the director of the old school, who will then give you a certificate of cancellation. The procedures remain the same as for the first kindergarten enrollmentnamely the presentation to the town hall of your new home, then a registration with the director of the new school, to whom you will have to submit the documents as well as the certificate of radiation.

Finally, for a enrollment in a private kindergarten, the step at the town hall is not useful. Speak directly to the director of the establishment, explaining to him the reasons why you wish to enroll your child in this school. However, pay attention to registration dates since they generally take place between the months of September and January for the following school year. If you encounter particular difficulties, you can contact the Academic Inspectorate of your department, which can help you find a solution depending on the situation.
