Enrico Letta: “We must avoid a dramatic decline in Europe”

Enrico Letta We must avoid a dramatic decline in Europe

The former Italian Prime Minister, current president of the Jacques Delors Institute, in his report on the single European market submitted to the 27 heads of state at the last summit on April 18, rings the bell: “ We are experiencing a dramatic decline », compared to the USA and China. Must therefore ” change scale so that Europe remains competitive “, while we have 27 fragmented financial markets: ” every year, 300 billion euros saved by Europeans who fly to the United States, and supply shares to American companies which strengthen themselves and return to Europe to buy our European companies with our own money, it’s madness total “.

Enrico Letta supports Ukraine against “crazy Russian aggression”: “ we spent a lot of money to support Ukraine and we did well to do so. But we spent 80% of French, Italian and German taxpayer money to create jobs in Turkey, South Korea, Michigan and Wisconsin. “, since we buy weapons for Ukraine elsewhere: ” we must spend to create jobs in Europe! »

“Optimistic” for the European elections on June 9, he notes that unlike those of 2019, “ no one talks about Frexit or Italexit… I take all of that as a positive element. Europe has convinced even the Eurosceptics! » he quips, even if they want to change it.

As for the rumors about his possible candidacy for the presidency of SciencesPo Paris, the former Dean of the School of International Affairs does not rule it out, even in this tormented period for the school: “ The Gaza affair is an affair which is creating unrest all over the universities of the world and it is obvious that the tension around these subjects is an attention which is absolutely particular. »
