Enormous police effort at this year’s festival: “Why would we have violence here?”

The Eritrean cultural festival at Järvafältet is underway again after last year’s chaotic scenes. 50 people were injured when protesters stormed the festival and close to 140 people were detained. Ahead of this year’s festival, security has therefore been tightened considerably. “They’re making things up” Eritrea is one of the world’s harshest dictatorships and the protesters believe that the festival supports the Eritrean regime. – It is not a cultural festival, it is an extended arm of the dictatorship that spreads fear and uncertainty. We want that to stop, says protester Elsa Yohannes. The cultural festival is also accused of sending money to the regime in Eritrea, something the organizers deny. – They make things up. This is a festival where we practice our culture and tradition, says organizer Temesgen Essayas. During this year’s festival, a large area between the festival and the protesters has been cordoned off. Should be peaceful this year During the afternoon and evening, there was concern that the situation would still escalate. – We see outside the fence how the police prepare and how the other side threatens us, says festival organizer Temesgen Essayas. But according to protester Elsa Yohannes, the protesters are doing everything to avoid it. – We don’t want violence. We have escaped from violence, why would we have violence here? Will it be peaceful this year? – It will be. That is the goal and what we have planned for, says Elsa Yohannes.
