Energy, Terna: in September renewable sources covered 40.1% of electricity demand

Energy Terna in September renewable sources covered 401 of electricity

(Finance) – In the month of September requirement Of energy electric in Italy it was equal to 25.4 billion kWhdown 1.3% compared to the same month of 2023. The negative change was achieved with the same number of working days (21) and an average monthly temperature 1.3°C lower than that of September last year year. The data of request electricseasonally adjusted and corrected for the temperature effect, leads to an almost stationary variation: -0.4% compared to September 2023. This is what emerges from the data Ternathe company that manages the national transmission network.

TO level territorialthe trend change last month was negative everywhere: -0.7% in the North, -1.5% in the Center and -2.4% in the South and on the Islands. In the first nine months of the year, the national requirement grew by 2.1% compared to the corresponding period of 2023 (+1.1% the adjusted value).

THE’IMCEI index (Monthly Index of Industrial Electricity Consumption) developed by Terna, which examines the industrial consumption of so-called ‘energy-intensive’ companies, stands at -3.2% compared to September 2023. Correcting the data for the calendar effect, the variation does not change. In particular, the paper, cement, lime and gypsum and food sectors were positive. In decline chemical, means of transport, steel and ceramics and glass. The non-ferrous metals and mechanics sectors were stable.

In terms cyclicalthe variation in electricity demand seasonally adjusted and corrected for calendar and temperature effects is -1.8%, while the cyclical variation in the IMCEI index is -3.3%.

THE’IMSER index (Monthly Services Index), which Terna publishes on the basis of monthly electricity consumption data provided by some distribution network operators (E-Distribuzione, UNARETI, A-Reti, Edyna and Deval), recorded, in the month of July 2024, a positive change of 3.7% compared to July 2023. In particular, the sectors of professional, scientific and technical activities, public administration and defense and real estate were positive. Among those with a negative change: information and communication, transport and warehousing and veterinary services.

Returning to Terna’s monthly balance sheet, last month 85.8% of Italian electricity demand was satisfied by production national and for the remaining portion (14.2%) from the balance of energy exchanged with foreign countries. The value of the monthly foreign balance is equal to 3.6 TWh, 1.2% less than in September 2023. On a progressive level, from January to September 2024, the net import is increasing by 3.4% compared to to the first nine months of 2023.

In detail, the net national production was equal to 22 billion kWh. The renewable sources they covered 40.1% of electricity demand (it was 38.4% in September 2023). Furthermore, from January to September of this year, renewable sources covered 43.1% of needs, compared to 36.6% in the first nine months of 2023. Decreasing source thermal (-5%): the decline in the share of coal production continues, -70.4% compared to the same month of 2023. The water source (+6.9%) and photovoltaic (+7%) are also growing; regarding the source waterthere remains a substantial difference between the North and the Central South of the country in terms of availability of the resource, while the increase in photovoltaic production (+209 GWh) is due to the positive contribution of the increase in operational capacity (+680 GWh ) which compensated for the lower radiation (-471 GWh). Decreasing source wind power (-1.8%, due to lack of wind) e geothermal (-5.2%).

In 2024 the capacity renewable in operation it increased by 5,340 MW (of which 4,862 MW of photovoltaic). This value is 1,273 MW higher (+33%) compared to the same period of the previous year and is close to the figure for the whole of 2023, equal to over 5,800 MW. As of September 30, Italy recorded 74.5 GW of installed power from renewable sources, of which, in detail, 35.1 GW of solar and 12.8 GW of wind.
