Energy scenarios between PNRR and conflict: the Russia effect and the competitiveness of renewables

Energy scenarios between PNRR and conflict the Russia effect and

(Finance) – A change of energy paradigm and structural measures to face the economic impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and accompany future growth. These are just some of the points touched upon at the event “Energy scenarios between PNRR and conflict”, promoted in Rome by American Studies Center.

“We are witnessing a phase of profound changes which also affect our lifestyle. It is therefore essential to grasp the opportunity that favor it development and the modernization of the country “, he stressed Federico RiggioMiddle East Vice President of Fincantieri and moderator of the event, in which they participated among others Nicola Lanzetta from Is in the, Lapo Pistelli from Eni, Filippo Stefanelli from ACEA And Aurelio Regina of Confindustria.

“Summarizing it scenario in which we are moving – explained Regina – we can identify three pillars: the first most emergency is linked to cost of energy and the price increase curve that has been evident since May 2021; the second is the son of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and concerns the security of supplies and the diversification of sources: the third that we put aside in this historical phase is that relating to energy transition“.


Lapo Pistelli of Eni wished to remind you that “Italy which was in better shape than Europe and, despite having a limited energy mix for the expressed no to coal and twice to nuclear power, he boasted five input channels of imports (North Sea system, Russian system, Caucasus, and two routes from Algeria and Libya), a good system of storage which together with Germany reached 50% of the entire European stock, plus one important development of renewables“.” The interruption we are experiencing is a paradigm “, said the expert, recalling that with the war we had to abandon a reliable supplier for fifty years even during the period of the cold war.

“The cost of renewable technology is diminished 80% and the capacity has increased, at panel and wind turbine level, by 25-40%. First among the big companies there was only one madman, Enel, who claimed that renewables were the future and was willing to spend all over the world. And, finally, to find a renewable energy expert, you needed a lantern, while today there are schools and specializations “, explained Nicola Lanzetta of Enel, adding” the tragedy is that the realization of the works comes to depend by two factors: the excessive bureaucratization el‘Nimby effect. In Italy you don’t wind up 10 kilometers into the sea because local communities are protesting “.
