Energy saving, the “M’illumino di meno” initiative turns 20

Energy saving the Millumino di meno initiative turns 20

(Finance) – Municipalities, public bodies, museums, embassies. There are many institutions and companies that have decided to join the Rai Radio2 and Caterpillar campaign I light up less which today, as has been happening for 20 years now, “turns off” buildings to raise awareness of savings energetic. Also this year the Quirinale, Palazzo Chigi and various ministries have joined the initiative.

The Municipality of Siena organized the initiative “Grows with you: a tree for freshman”, adhering to the proposal of the University of Siena. Among the objectives: the reduction of greenhouse gases. TO Turin the lighting of the Chapel of the Shroud and the façade of the Sabauda Gallery, the three historic bridges and the Palazzo Civico went out. Also taking part in the initiative Uffizi in Florence and the Guggenheim in Venice.

(Photo: olegdudko | 123RF)
