Energy researchers see offshore wind power as the fastest solution

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Max Åhman believes that, in a few years’ time, things look bright for energy production in southern Sweden.

– In the medium term, there is a lot of wind power that is on its way. In the longer term, beyond 2030, then we can start discussing nuclear power, says Max Åhman.

Several applications for large wind farms await a decision from the government. Max Åhman hopes that the government sticks to a technology-neutral stance.

– It will be unfortunate if you turn down wind power for political reasons because you are waiting for nuclear power, says Max Åhman.

– Wind power is a proven technology that is being built around us all over Europe at breakneck speed. For nuclear power, there have been a lot of delays and cost increases.

“Lower electricity price”

Max Åhman believes that it is possible to get back the lower electricity prices that southern Sweden had a couple of years ago.

– We can actually get that. With more wind power and more solar power, we will get more varied electricity prices. We are in a shift where, regardless of nuclear power or not, we will get a system that works differently than before.

According to Max Åhman, the system will lead to customers having to adapt, but also to the development of batteries and conversion of electricity to hydrogen for storage.

Small modular reactors

The development of nuclear power is now moving towards so-called small modular reactors, SMRs.

– Maybe something will happen. The next four-five years will be very interesting, because now projects are starting to come. After that, we know what they cost and how they work, says Max Åhman.
