Energy price cap, gray smoke: progress but knots remain

Energy EU revolution the plan to get rid of Russian

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – It’s not yet time for white smoke to hit the roof on the price of gas, but progress is being made. “We have an agreement on the mechanism and a text on the mechanism has been finalized. Certainly there are still some points that need to be defined. And they will be defined during the meeting of the Energy Council of next Monday. The main point at this moment of discussion is the price threshold”. This was stated by the Minister for the Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto Fratinat the end of the extraordinary Energy Council in which, in fact, no definitive agreement has been reached on the gas price ceiling.

“Moderate progress” but EU energy ministers have not yet reached an agreement on the price cap on natural gas, some diplomatic sources at the end of the Extraordinary Council meeting on energy and transport. The price thresholds that trigger the ceiling mechanism remain to be defined.

As far as the fixed roof is concerned, at the moment there is a gap between 160 and 220 euros per MWh. It also remains to be clarified
the number of days of overrun that triggers the ceiling and the maximum differential (spread) between the price of natural gas on the Amsterdam TTF market and that in other LNG hubs. The node, as Minister Pichetto Fratin said, was postponed to the ordinary Energy Council meeting on 19 December. Where, in the event of an agreement, the other regulations will also be approved, the one on joint EU purchases of gas and the one on solidarity on supplies between Countries in crisis.

And just in the last few hours, on the subject, the lunge of the Prime Minister Meloni asking Europe for unity and cohesion: “It is clear to everyone that a mechanism of different protections for companies in different countries would cause a distortion of the single market which would jeopardize the whole of Europe: by now it is the majority of states who are asking with us for a dynamic ceiling on the price of gas. Going in random order, thinking of saving oneself at the expense of others, is not only an illusion but would betray an idea of ​​a Europe different from the one praised in recent years”.
