Energy, Giorgetti: “Excess profits will give positive surprises”

Energy Giorgetti Excess profits will give positive surprises

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Extra profit payments made by energy companies, once executed, they will bring “Positive surprises with higher revenues to put available to the most vulnerable families“. The Minister of the Economy anticipated it Giancarlo Giorgetti during question time in the Senate, confirming that “the government has estimated the tax prudentially”.

About the existing gap between lending rates (on loans) and passive (on deposits) charged by banks, the holder of the MEF confirmed that the Government “looks carefully at the initiatives that the banking sector will put in place, or is putting in place, to mitigate the divergence between the increase in the interest margin”, in order to “guarantee more advantageous and fairer conditions for households”.

Giorgetti confirmed the willingness of this government to refinance subsidies for first homes and the under 36s which “were very successful” and recalled that the executive “has already intervened” on the mortgage frontoffering the option to renegotiate, under certain conditions, variable-rate mortgages to transform them into fixed-rate mortgages.

The holder of the MEF, during the hearing, also recalled that in the face of a mortgage loans down 12.8% in the fourth quarter of 2022 compared to the same period of 2021, le trades of residential units decreased by only 2.1%, which implies a less use of debt.

The Government remains vigilant on the impact that restrictive financing conditions are having or may produce, on the housing market and on household savings“, reiterated the Minister, acknowledging that “the housing question assumes a particular social importanceis a peculiar Italian characteristic and is under the attention of the Government”.

Finally, Giorgetti ensured that in the next maneuver budget “will be carefully evaluated” the performance of purchase power of families, of the market of credit and access to mortgages“hoping that with the summer the increases” in inflation and interest rates will cease.
