Energy, Federconsumatori: many critical issues for the transition to the free market

Socrate Fund interim management report approved

(Finance) – “As is happening in recent days due to the end of the protected gas market The unease created by the choices adopted by the Government and the regulatory Authority manifests itself now also in the case of the electricity market”.

This is what Federconsumatori writes in a note which has been asking for some time, considering it essential, the creation of a register of accredited and qualified suppliers, that “would contribute undoubtedly to reduce these risks, which, to make the situation worse, also concern the fate of workers currently engaged in the greater protection service: it is no coincidence that an amendment to the Energy Decree was proposed by all the parliamentary groups, aimed at introducing a social clause for the transition to the new operator, together with customers, also workers who risk losing their jobs”.

All these risks and doubts – we read in the note – should have been resolved before the auctions took place, which leave many critical issues open: for this reason an extension of the deadlines would have been necessary.

Even for vulnerable customers, that is, the social groups deserving of greater protection, there are still no certain references: their fate is entrusted to a provision foreseen for February but which Arera postponed to the end of 2024. In fact, managing one is quite delicate such a sensitive segment of usersand the difficulties encountered only demonstrate the underestimation and unpreparedness with which this crucial step was faced.

Therefore, during the conversion phase of the Energy Decree, we ask the Government to suspend the race and to establish an urgent discussion table with Consumer Associations and energy operators.the sector to address this issue, before adopting acts that could cause serious damage to the citizens and economy of our country.

(Photo: © Andrii Yalanskyi | 123RF)
