Energy Decree, excise tax cut of 8.5 cents for a month arrives

Energy Decree excise tax cut of 85 cents for a

(Finance) – A cut in excise duties on fuels and LPG of 8.5 cents for one month, less than the 15 cents we were talking about these days. This is the proposal put on the plate by the Governmentwhich however is working for “find the covers ” sufficient to perform a “wider cut”. Currently, the coverage amounts to just over 300 million of extra VAT revenue.

Excise duties on petrol will therefore amount to 643.24 euros per thousand liters, on diesel fuel at 532.24 euros per thousand liters and on LPG at 182.61 euros per thousand kilograms. It must be considered that the 22% VAT it carries must be added to the cut of 8.5 cents the overall cut at 10.4 centsstill below the desired 15 cents.

The draft of the Energy decree then provides for a tax credit reserved for non-energy-intensive companies, to be used in compensation for the purchase of electricity. The draft does not indicate the percentage amount of credit which for electricity is reserved for companies with available power equal to or greater than 16.5 kW, other than energy-consuming ones, while for gas to high-consumption ones, excluding thermoelectric plants .

The energy decree also provides for a help for families and SMEs for electricity and gas bills, through the social bonus and the possibility of pay the bills in installments of May and June for a maximum number of 24 monthly installments.

To support the liquidity needs deriving from the installment plans granted by the electricity and gas suppliers, Sace will be able to issue its 90% guarantees in favor of banks and financial institutions within a maximum limit of commitments of € 9 billion.

Established the Guarantor for the surveillance of priceswhich has the power to request data, news and specific elements on the “reasons that determined the price changes” and to impose penalties from 500 to 5 thousand euros for companies if they do not reply within ten days.

What has been defined as the price-cutting or energy decree is a mixture of measures that introduces aid to families and businesses and also establishes the criteria for the reception of Ukrainian refugees. The text still to be defined will be on the table of the Council of Ministers this evening. Among the various measures, the strengthening of the golden power, ad hoc measures for road transport and tourism and measures to calm the expensive materials in public procurement.
