Energy, Bonomi: looking at nuclear power without ideological lenses

Energy Bonomi looking at nuclear power without ideological lenses

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Europe must address the issue of energy dependency for “the autonomy and security of our democracies”. The president of Confindustria said soCarlo Bonomiin his greeting speech at the first annual conference of Confindustria Energia.

On gas, he added, “Italy can play a fundamental role and apply to be a strategic hub for Europea”. “A clear industrial policy strategy – continued Bonomi speaking generally – is still lacking in Europe, a strategy necessary for choosing the chapters on which to channel resources”. On nuclear power, “our country already has an important know how and the country must look at nuclear power without an ideological lens”.

To meet the needs of those who have lost everything due to the floods in Romagna “I asked and continue to ask why you don’t 100% detax the liberal donations that we can make to workers”, said Bonomi speaking at the assembly of Confindustria Romagna.

“A State in the face of these emergencies cannot raise cash”, continued the number one of the industrialists, asking that they be given the “possibility that what we have, we make it available to these people and everything goes to them. It is an intervention of civilization, it is not a political clash”.
