Energy bill, green light from the Chamber with 143 yes and 84 no

Mes pass the suspension Well talk about it again in

(Finance) – The Chamber approved the bill converting the decree on energy security into law. In the final vote there were 143 yes votes, 84 no votes, 13 abstentions after the Chamber, yesterday evening, had already approved the government’s confidence in the decree. The provision, which
now passes to the Senate for second reading, contains provisions for the gradual transition to the free market of the nine million domestic users who still benefit from the protected energy market. The rules will allow approximately 4.5 million “vulnerable” families to continue to benefit from electricity supplies at controlled prices. For other families, measures are introduced to ensure maximum information and the best conditions in the transition to the free electricity market.

Between measures contained in the decree the stop to the contribution paid by the owners of plants for the production of electricity from renewable sources; the appointment of the president of the Sicilian Region, Renato Schifani, as extraordinary commissioner for the island’s waste management with an allocation of 800 million for investments.

On the subject of nuclear more time is given to local authorities not present in the Cnai (National Charter of Suitable Areas) and to the Ministry of Defense to present their candidature to host the National Radioactive Waste Repository and ask the Ministry of the Environment and Sogin to reconsider the area to check its suitability. It then opens possibility of producing electricity in spa areas exploiting geothermal resources but ensuring the maintenance of the characteristics of the water. The other measures of the very broad and detailed decree are aimed at accelerate investments in self-production of renewable energy in sectors with high energy consumption, to strengthen the security of gas supplies, to grant incentives to regions hosting energy production plants from renewable sources and to simplify environmental impact procedures. Interventions are also planned for decommissioning and the radioactive waste management and compensation to the agricultural sector and businesses in Tuscany affected by the floods of October and November 2023.

However, the measure that would have allowed it does not pass reassignment of hydroelectric concessions to the current operators, rather than races. The majority groups had presented amendments to this effect which were then withdrawn due to the government’s contrary opinion. There tendering of concessions it is in fact one of the “objective” reforms already achieved by Italy which has already had the recognition of the installments. Also withdrawn was Forza Italia’s amendment aimed at attributing to the National Inspectorate for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (ISIN) the role of competent national authority in nuclear matters with the task, among others, of authorizing the construction of plants. The opposition, especially Avs, contested the proposal while Fi spoke of “regulatory complications” which led to only a temporary stop.
