Energy autonomy, Cici: “Italy can go from 25% to 60% thanks to the contribution of the South”

Energy autonomy Cici Italy can go from 25 to 60

(Finance) – “First of all, the report shows Italy’s very low energy autonomy index. We are quint from last in Europe so we essentially have almost 25% of autonomy today compared to a European average which is almost 39.5. So this is the first problem: to deal with it with indigenous resources, renewables and waste, we can go very far, even almost 60 percent with current technology, therefore without imagining technological innovation and without shifting territorial limits and constraints. a truly resource to think about and the South has a predominant role on this resource because almost two thirds of these resources are concentrated in the South. This is an opportunity to be carefully considered”. That’s what he underlines Carlo Cici, partner and manager of the Sustainability Area of ​​The European House Ambrosetti on the sidelines of the presentation of the presentation of the report “Towards Italian energy independence: the role of central and southern Italy” held this afternoon in Rome at the Civita Association.

What needs to be done to speed up this process?

“Leave. There is nothing to do, there is no law to change, there are no constraints to transform, there is no need to invent new technologies: everything is already available and possible. It is a matter of will, to do so it must be decided but it does not require huge evaluations. Among other things, we have carried out a study that starts from the bottom, we have calculated the potential for each region, this does not mean that there should not be national coordination, but the regions can start”.
