Energizing, these essential oils are the best against fatigue

Energizing these essential oils are the best against fatigue

To be used as a drop on the skin, in diffusion, massage or orally to reboost the body.

Autumn is often synonymous with fatigue or small seasonal viruses that make our daily lives difficult. Fortunately, essential oils are your allies in staying in shape. Here are the ones to always have with you.

In autumn specifically “to reboost the gland of adaptation which is the adrenal, we can use all the essential oils of conifers: Scots pine, black spruce, balsam fir, and combine them with rosemary” advises us advises Christine Cieur, doctor of pharmacy and author of the book “At the herbalist’s counter, recipes for everyday ailments” (ed. Terre Vivante). For local application (on the skin): mix 15 drops of Scots pine oil + 15 drops of rosemary oil with 1.8 cineole + 30 drops of black spruce in a 5ml bottle and complete the rest of the bottle with sweet almond, jojoba (a little less fatty) or hemp (even less fatty) vegetable oil. Apply 5-6 drops to the lower back, a little above the waist, in the morning after a shower, for around ten days.

Generally speaking, in case of fatigue, the essential oils to favor for diffusion are those of pine, balsam fir or black spruce. “We can diffuse them in combination with lemon essence because citrus fruits have a soft but energizing appearance” specifies the specialist. In a diffuser: ten drops of a fir essential oil of your choice OR 10 drops of a fir EO + 5 drops of lemon essence. Another combination recommended by our specialist: rosemary with 1-8 cineole (which improves concentration) and peppermint when you want to stay awake. This combination is perfect during a slack in teleworking because it fights against intellectual fatigue. Diffuse 5 drops of peppermint + 10 drops of rosemary. If you don’t have a diffuser, you can pour a few drops of peppermint or rosemary essential oil onto a tissue that you place near you.

A virus has knocked you out? To reboost the body, nothing better than energizing cinnamon and lemon oils. For fragile people who cannot tolerate the power of cinnamon, know that it can be replaced by linalool thyme essential oil (a little less powerful in effectiveness, however). Orally: mix 15 drops of cinnamon essential oil and 45 drops of lemon essence. Take 2 drops of this mixture and put them in a little honey or oil. To be swallowed in the morning before breakfast. “If you are really very tired, you can take 2 drops again at lunchtime.” To be done for a week to 10 days maximum.

In case of nervous fatigue, you should combine an essential oil of fir such as black spruce against fatigue and an essential oil which relaxes to counteract nervousness. “Among the calming essential oils, you can use lavender or geranium essential oil depending on the smell you want to have, or that of mandarin but it can be a little more irritating, or even ylang-ylang or marjoram” advises Dr. Cieur. For local application (on the skin): put 20 drops of black spruce and 20 drops of a calming essential oil in a 15 ml bottle and complete with a vegetable oil (almond, jojoba, etc.). Apply 10 drops of the mixture to the lower back, under the soles of the feet or at the bend of the elbows, twice a day for 15 days.

In recovery, the body needs to repair itself. To recover from fatigue, Christine Cieur recommends combining cinnamon essential oil with ravintsara essential oil. “This is antiviral, it will continue the work against fatigue and allow the body to maintain good immunity” she argues. Orally: mix 15 drops of cinnamon essential oil and 45 drops of lemon essence. Take 2 drops of this mixture and put them in a little honey or oil. To be swallowed in the morning before breakfast, for a week to 10 days maximum. Add 1 or 2 drops of ravintsara essential oil locally to the wrists or the bends of the elbows or to each sole of the feet, once a day.

For athletes who are feeling sluggish, nothing better than rosemary and bay leaf to boost themselves. Orally: put 1 drop of bay leaf + 1 drop of rosemary verbenone in a teaspoon of honey or oil. Swallow 20 minutes before exercise and repeat 10 minutes before starting or apply locally (on the skin): mix 15 drops of Scots pine EO + 15 drops of rosemary EO with 1.8 cineole + 30 drops of black spruce in a 5ml bottle and complete the rest of the bottle with vegetable oil of sweet almond, jojoba (a little less fatty) or hemp (even less fatty). Apply 5-6 drops to the lower back, a little above the waist, or to the wrist or at the bend of the elbows, before exercise and after exercise, for around ten days.

If fatigue persists: consult your doctor. “When we self-medicate, we cannot afford to use essential oils long-term”warns Dr. Cieur. If fatigue persists, this is not normal. “If it is because of an unbalanced diet, a lack of vitamins or trace elements, you will always be tired even if you take essential oils. Without forgetting that sometimes you can have a pathology that evolves over time. low noise and which we don’t realize how we stimulate ourselves all the time.” Prolonged use of essential oils can also destabilize the body’s functioning balance. For example, excess cinnamon essential oil can cause hypertension. “Plants and essential oils can have field actions, we must not forget that” concludes the pharmacist.
