Enemy of the flu, antioxidant store, a complete anti-microbial…

Enemy of the flu antioxidant store a complete anti microbial

Onion, which is one of the iron heads of Turkish cuisine, comes to the fore with its benefits as well as its deliciousness. Onion, which is one of the two or three foods called natural antibiotics, protects your health. Onions have been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. Onions were especially used in the treatment of headaches, heart diseases, and mouth sores.

Onions are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Onion, thanks to its high vitamin C content, strengthens the immune system and fights microbes. It helps iron absorption, renews cells. Onion, which is rich in B vitamins, including vitamin B9 and B6, is also important for regulating metabolism, producing red blood cells and the nervous system.


You can consume onions for cholesterol, which requires extra care to protect against heart diseases. Onion, which provides protection against inflammation, reduces the risk of heart diseases.


It is known that the diuretic onion helps to remove toxins from the body and cleanse the blood. Research indicates that onions dilate the coronary vessels and strengthen the heart.

Thanks to the sulfoside and allicin it contains, it acts as a natural antibiotic. In addition to preventing colds and sore throats, it fights against infections and microbes in the body as a warrior.
