(Finance) – “Is in the makes sustainability its guiding star: The Group leads the country’s energy transition through it development of renewable sources, the digitalisation of distribution networks and the electrification of consumption, which represent an opportunity both in terms of value creation and the tool for more rapid achievement of the sustainable development goals defined by the UN (i.e. Sustainable Development Goals, hereinafter SDGs) in the 2030 Agenda”. She said it Nicola LanzettaEnel’s Italy Director who spoke at the Sustainable Development Festival in Ivrea.
“To enable the energy transition, we have predicted 17 billion in investments in Italy over the next 3 years. Of these, 12 billion will be used to improve the resilience of the networks and their hosting capacity, i.e. the ability to enable production from renewable sources, and therefore make the national and global energy supply system increasingly sustainable.
For Enel, sustainability not only has an environmental but also a social declination: the Group launched Scelta Rinnovabile almost 3 years ago: a crowdfunding campaign thanks to which citizens can finance the construction of renewable plants in their territory and receive a return on the capital invested. To date 6 initiatives of this type have already been launched throughout Italy with great participation and satisfaction from the local communities”.
“The Group puts, furthermore, it places its people at the center by leveraging well-being, motivation, sense of responsibility, providing for activities upskilling and reskilling to enhance their talents and skills. Over the next three years, 40% of the total training hours dedicated to employees will be focused on upskilling and reskilling paths to enhance everyone’s talent and skills. Still on the subject of social sustainability, Enel grants all its employees the possibility of taking advantage of one day a year of regularly paid leave to carry out voluntary activities in collaboration with some important third sector organizations and in this way contribute, through own people, to the growth of the community in a sustainable path in line with the principles of the UN 2030 agenda”, he concluded Lanzetta.