“Enel, Italy in the world”: the new institutional campaign is on air

Enel Italy in the world the new institutional campaign is

(Finance) – The deep roots in the history of Italy and the gaze towards a global and sustainable future. This is the central concept of new institutional campaign by Is in thewhich unites past and present, retracing in an emotional key that long journey followed by the company from the 1960s to today and which is intertwined with that ofModern Italy, united by the electricity grid, which has enabled its economic development and social progress.

The spot uses images of the AEnel historical archive, to tell a great Italian adventure characterized by growth and innovation, characterized by projects that have had a concrete impact on the life of the country: the works for electrification of the entire national territory; the extraordinary engineering works such as the installation of submarine cables between the islands and the mainland; the constant search for new energy sources; and finally the arrival of renewable which today can guarantee a more sustainable present and future.

“Enel, Italy in the world” is one declaration of love for the country and for an all-Italian history of excellence on a global scale, with a presence now consolidated in 28 countries. The campaign is also a gift to those who have contributed concretely to this growth: the narrative ends with an intense overview of the faces of Enel people, with the claim “History belongs to those who build it”. The commercial reminds us that what we achieve in our lives is always the result of a collective commitment.

Countryside on air from June 14thincludes planning on TV with 60″ and 30″ commercials, press, billboards and digital channels with video formats.
