Enea: second stage of the road show dedicated to efficiency in the city

Electric car ENEA new material for safer and more sustainable

(Finance) – It will be held in Pescara, Tuesday 21 May, the second stage of Roadshow “Humanizing Energy”realized by AENEAS within the National Program for training and information on energy efficiency “Italy in Class A”promoted by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (Pescara Municipal Council Room – 9.30 am).

At the center of the event, organized in collaboration with the Abruzzo region and with the Municipality of Pescaraawareness of the vbenefits deriving from the improvement of energy efficiency on an urban scale, with an in-depth analysis of the interconnections between the transformation of spaces, behavioral change in the end uses of energy and social cohesion. The tour started from Bologna and is preparing to involve other cities such as Foggia, Milan, Venice, Turin to analyze the issues of energy requalification of buildings and urban regeneration and to promote a new cultural model of design.

Among the protagonists of the day Carlo Masci, Mayor of Pescara, who will open the works, Pierpaolo PescaraDirector of the Territory-Environment Department of the Abruzzo Region, ENEA researchers, Polytechnic of Milan and the IUAV University of Venice. The artist will also participate Pep Marchegiani with a speech at the round table “Visible Cities. Tools for new forms of living”, coordinated by Antonio Disi, responsible for the Laboratory of Tools for the promotion of energy efficiency of ENEA.

The Humanizing Energy Roadshow aims to stimulate critical reflection on these issues and to provide ideas for innovative redevelopment projects through an integrated approach for the construction of resilient and sustainable cities.
