Enea, Giorgio Graditi new General Manager

Enea Giorgio Graditi new General Manager

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Giorgio Graditi, 53, has been appointed director general of Eneaat the end of a public selection procedure, sealed by the designation by the Board of Directors of the Agency, which will now be followed by the administrative formalities for its establishment.

PhD in Electrical Engineering at the University of Palermo, Graditi currently holds the role of director of the Department of Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources and coordinator for the Pnrr in Enea. His career at Enea began in 2000 with numerous positions and responsibilities for initiatives and projects in the energy technology and renewable sources sector.

He is also currently the president of Medener, the association of agencies for energy, energy efficiency and renewable sources of the Mediterranean countries, as well as being responsible for various projects and initiatives at national and international level and holding the position of coordinator of the technical-scientific committee of the national energy technology cluster. Furthermore, he is responsible for the Program Agreement on hydrogen between ENEA and the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security within the framework of the PNRR and the Program Agreement on smart grids, hydrogen and advanced materials for energy between ENEA and the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy.
