The endocrinologist is the doctor specializing in hormonal problems: he treats diseases linked to a disruption of hormones, often due to the thyroid. Here is when to consult it and how a session goes.
The endocrinologist is doctor specializing in hormone disorders. What does an endocrinologist treat? What is the difference between an endocrinologist and a diabetologist? How is an examination carried out by an endocrinologist? Do you need a prescription to see an endocrinologist?
What is the role of an endocrinologist?
The endocrinologist is a medical specialist in internal secretory hormones. He is therefore able toassess the functioning of the hormonal system, and to treat the disorders that a disorder can generate, as vast as these disorders can be. Indeed, hormones control all the functioning of the body, thanks to their transport by the blood circulation. The endocrinologist will therefore check the proper functioning of these regulatory systems, the quantity of these hormones and treat any pathologies linked to hormonal imbalance. Given the complexity of the hormonal system, endocrinology intervenes at many levels: digestive, sexual, nutritional, dermatological… “Hormones are substances in the body, kinds of messengers that control all the functions of the organism.“, explains Dr. Jean Michel Borys, endocrinologist. “These hormones are made by glands, which are found throughout the body. The largest is called the pituitary gland in the brain. Ovaries, pancreas, thyroid are also glands“, he specifies. Once delivered in the body, hormones control the whole body: heart rate, digestion, body temperature, weight gain or loss… Thus, endocrinology affects all the body functions: nutrition, reproduction, digestion, dermatology, etc.
What does an endocrinologist treat?
An endocrinologist can treat all hormonal pathologies, which are therefore very broad.
► “The most common are thyroid pathologiesexplains the specialist. It is a gland in the neck, which acts on many things: the heart, temperature, digestion, fertilization…” About 3-4% of people suffer from thyroid problems, mostly women. “This is the most common anomaly we see in the practice“. There are also many diseases linked to the malfunctioning of the glands: “For example, if the pituitary gland, which controls the others, does not work well (due to a cyst for example), this can lead to sterility, hair problems, etc.“, explains the doctor.
► In addition to these numerous pathologies, the endocrinologist also takes care of diabetes: “Often, the endocrinologist is also a diabetologist, since diabetes comes from a problem with insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas“.
When to consult an endocrinologist?
In general, an endocrinologist is consulted in the event of:
- Of thyroid pathologies (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroid nodule, thyroid cancer, etc.).
- Pituitary gland damage (Cushing’s disease, adenomas…)
- Adrenal damage (Addison’s disease…)
- ofhormonal abnormalities of the reproductive systemsuch as infertility problems, precocious puberty, gonadal failure…
Do you need a prescription to see an endocrinologist?
Normally yes. “In the majority of cases, it is the general practitioner or the cardiologist who discovers something abnormal, and who sends the patients to us.“. It happens that a patient comes to consult without a prescription for the monitoring of thyroid problems, or for a metabolic problem, such as unexplained overweight or obesity.
A first consultation with the endocrinologist generally begins with questioning. The patient explains his symptoms and history, and gives the doctor the necessary documents (letter from the general practitioner, results of blood tests, etc.). The endocrinologist then practices a complete clinical examination. Once all these steps have been completed, the doctor can normally already make one or more diagnoses. Nevertheless, to confirm or invalidate this, he may prescribe new examinations, if he deems it necessary. If this is the case, the patient must therefore return to see the endocrinologist with the results of these new examinations. If a chronic disease is diagnosed (eg diabetes, hypothyroidism, etc.), long-term follow-up will be essential.
Preparing for your visit to the endocrinologist
Before going to your appointment with the endocrinologist, Remember to gather all the elements of your medical file. Blood tests, ultrasound, scanner, MRI… These analyzes are essential to help the specialist understand your symptoms. Of course, if you have many symptoms, remember to list them so that you don’t forget any details during your consultation.
How much does a consultation cost? Is it reimbursed?
The prices of consultations with an endocrinologist vary a lot, whether the doctor is contracted or not. Better to find out in advance. As he is a specialist, the Social Security reimburses up to 70%if the course of care is respected, i.e. if you have consulted your attending physician before making an appointment. Then, the rest of the bill is covered by the mutual if you have one, depending on the rates to which you have subscribed.
What studies to become an endocrinologist?
Becoming an endocrinologist requires 11 years of study. After obtaining the baccalaureate, you must pass the entrance examination for the classical cycle of medical studies. Once you have reached the ECN (National Ranking Tests) in the 6th year, you will have to specialize in endocrinology, if the classification allows it. It will take another 4-5 years of study. Finally, after having validated all the internships, the diploma of specialized studies (DES) and defended his thesis, the candidate obtains his State Diploma of Doctor of Medicine.
Thanks to Dr. Jean Michel Borys, endocrinologist.
Thanks to Dr. Jean Michel Borys, endocrinologist.