Ending the war in Ukraine will help reduce tensions more broadly – press conference live soon

Ending the war in Ukraine will help reduce tensions more

Niinistö said at the 78th UN General Assembly in New York that different worldviews now seem to be on a collision course with each other.

The president of the Republic Sauli Niinistö has begun his final speech at the UN General Assembly in New York before the end of his term.

At the beginning of his speech, Niinistö recalled the speech he gave for the first time as President of the Republic of Finland at the UN General Assembly more than a decade ago. He said the world seemed quite complicated at the time, but now the world has become even more complicated than before.

– The general assembly should create a constructive atmosphere, increase understanding of others and look for solutions.

Today, as I speak for the last time in this forum, I must ask: have we succeeded in our mission?

– Global tensions are high, and great power competition is accelerating. Different worldviews seem to be on a collision course with each other, Niinistö said.

According to him, the theme of the General Assembly, which is rebuilding trust and reviving global solidarity, must not remain empty words.

– We have to put those words into practice, Niinistö insisted.

“Even critical voices must be heard”

Niinistö emphasized that many of the challenges facing the world are such that they must be solved together. Not alone or among like-minded people. He highlighted, for example, the fight against climate change.

– In our effort to strengthen multilateral cooperation, all voices must be heard. Especially the critical ones. Instead of rushing to judge others, we must learn to listen, Niinistö urged.

Russia’s attack on Ukraine violates the UN Charter and, according to Niinistö, reminds many Finns of echoes of their own history.

– We too have fought for our freedom and independence against an enemy much bigger than ourselves and paid a heavy price for it. We don’t want to see the world degenerate into a state where the big see it as their right to subjugate the smaller.

Niinistö warned the world that the war in Ukraine must not be allowed to turn into one of the many protracted conflicts that already exist around the world. Ending the war in Ukraine can help reduce tensions more broadly.

– Peace that respects Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity is in the interests of all of us. That has to be the goal.

“Climate change does not treat us fairly”

According to Niinistö, the most urgent task of world leaders is to guarantee a sustainable future for all life on our planet.

– We are not on the right track. We need to take the commitments we have made much more seriously, he said.

Niinistö warned that all progress in the field of sustainable development goals will be jeopardized if global warming is not stopped.

– Climate change does not treat us fairly and equally. Those least responsible for it often have to suffer the worst.

– As an international community, we must be ready to face each other in a spirit of mutual respect. Understanding our obligation to cooperate. If we do this, I am convinced that we will find that we have much more in common than we imagined, Niinistö concluded the last general assembly speech of his presidency.

Biden asked for support for Ukraine

At the 78th UN General Assembly, which started this week, the president of Ukraine has spoken before Niinistö Volodymyr Zelenskyi and the President of the United States Joe Biden.

Both appealed on Tuesday to the international community to stand by Ukraine.

– If we allow the mutilation of Ukraine, is the independence of any country safe after that?, asked Biden.

A year ago, Niinistö said in his general assembly speech that the ripple effects of Russia’s brutal war in Ukraine are far-reaching and serious, and they worsen the problems already faced by the international community.

At that time, Niinistö called for global solidarity and strong multilateral cooperation.
