Cyril Hanouna announced on Friday the final stop on the program “Touche pas à mon poste” during the week. Referring to a “seminar” with his team to “prepare the sequel”, he did not reveal the exact reasons for this brutal end.
Thunderbolt on the set of TPMP Friday evening. At the very end of Touche not at my post,, Cyril Hanouna Surprised his “fanzouzes” and a good part of the media sphere by announcing the end of his flagship program, on Wednesday, March 26, after only three broadcasts. “We will be there on Monday, live, we will be there Tuesday, live, we will be there Wednesday, live”, he gave up, sometimes marking long breaks between the words, before letting go: “Wednesday, my darlings, it will be the last of my post. We will have a big party”. The star host, visibly moved in front of dumbfounded columnists, then added that he and his team were going to devote themselves to their future project.
Referring to a “seminar” with his teams to “work on the continuation of operations”, Cyril Hanouna remained very elusive on the exact reasons for this sudden decision to stop TPMPless than a month after the show on its Zoubida TV webtélé, following the C8 broadcasting on TNT. The announcement also raises questions, while the host has been welcoming the excellent audience scores made by Touche pas la post on the internet since early March.
“It was a huge box which happened, we were the first talk show, we made the maximum every night,” priders “Baba” on Friday March 21. According to Hanouna, the show would have attracted more than a million viewers every evening since its online.
TPMP Without C8, an economical fiasco?
So why throw in the towel now? Cyril Hanouna was content to highlight this “seminar” of preparation, necessary before his arrival on W9. Among the hypotheses that can be advanced, the financial reason comes in good place. By fully taking charge of the diffusion of TPMP On the web via his production company, Cyril Hanouna had already informed half of the difficulties that this challenge could present. During the first broadcast of TPMP On the web in early March, he had fun the drastic reduction in the chronicle pills that the situation had imposed.
Cyril Hanouna realized that this new model, without the support of a large audiovisual group, was not viable, even for a short term? Television and internet are two very distinct universes: producing and broadcasting a major talk show daily represents very high costs, that monetization via YouTube, Dailymotion, MyCanal platforms and the bouquets of the Internet boxes can undoubtedly endure, even with good audiences. We also remember that from the first broadcast of TPMPYouTube had sent the host a reminder to “non-compliance with his rules”, especially in terms of advertising.
This weekend, The Parisian confirmed that the reason for the final judgment of TPMP “is more to go and look for the savings side”. “Because if the show is an audience success, advertisers were not really jostling,” said the newspaper. “This Friday, he thus proposed only three pages of advertising against five to six at the time of C8, and less important durations. In addition, among the advertisers, most were institutional or companies belonging to the Bolloré group (owner of the former C8 chain). Only two spots from the Trade Republic Bank and one of the Enterprise rental agency.”
Relations with M6 incompatible with TPMP?
The second hypothesis concerns the complicated relationships that Hanouna maintains with the M6 group, which the host must nevertheless join next September to host a daily program on W9 and another on Fun Radio. In recent weeks, M6’s management has publicly reframed the host for his positions, including his criticism from Bruno Guillon, in charge of the Fun Radio morningal. The company also insisted by press release on the fact that Hanouna came to “make entertainment” and no controversial TV. Pressures were able to exercise behind the scenes to convince him to draw a line on TPMP And to focus on his future attributions? Soon contractually linked to the M6 group (if not already the case), Hanouna was able to be trapped.
According to journalist Clément Garin, it was the M6 group that would have “amicably” asking Cyril Hanouna to put an end to TPMP Prematurely, what the host would have “accepted”. David Larramendy, Chairman of the M6 Management Board, is said to have carried out this “in person” approach, “worried about the many comments made in TPMP And the freedom that his future recruit has granted himself “. He would still keep Clément Garrin,” to muzzle him until the start of the school year, to protect him “.
M6 economical fiasco or pressure from M6 … Cyril Hanouna has in any case been visibly constrained to throw in the towel earlier than he had announced. During the premiere of Touche pas à mon poste on his webtélé, on March 3, he said that the broadcast on the Internet and the boxes would last “a few months, perhaps until the end of April”. “I did the best to stay the longest with you,” he said this Friday. Like an admission.