End of the vaccination pass: lifted on March 14, train, hospital

End of the vaccination pass lifted on March 14 train

END OF VACCINATION PASS. Monday March 14, 2022 marks the total lifting of the vaccination pass in France, in all places where it was required (restaurant, cinema, museum, etc.). What about on trains? To the hospital ? And to travel? What is the difference with a health pass? Answers.

[Mise à jour le 14 mars 2022 à 10h03] Since this Monday March 14, 2022the vaccination pass is deleted in France in all places where it was required (leisure and cultural places, restaurants, fairs and trade shows, etc.). This measure follows a decision taken by the President Emmanuel Macron during the Council of Ministers of March 2, 2022. On the other hand, the vaccination obligation which applies to caregivers remains in force. Is this the end of the vaccination pass to travel ? In the gyms? In the hospital ? On trains? Understand everything easily.

What is the vaccination pass?

The vaccination pass is an official document which certifies that the person has received all the injections of the vaccine against Covid-19 (two doses then booster or one dose then booster in the event of previous infection). In some cases, however, a certificate of recovery from contamination may be presented instead of the vaccination certificate. This is a “pass” which allows its holder access to bars, restaurants, leisure activities (cinemas, museums, theatres, sports venues, sports halls, performance halls, etc.), fairs, trade shows, large shopping centers (by decision of the prefect), interregional transport (planes, train, bus), or to go to another country (if the host country recognizes its validity). On the other hand, the vaccination pass does not mention negative tests. It is therefore not the same thing as a health pass. the vaccination pass is to present in digital format (via “My notebook” of the TousAntiCovid application) or paper:

  • The vaccination certificateon the condition that the people have a complete vaccination schedule (booster dose carried out within the time limit for people from 18 years and 1 month who are eligible for it).


  • The result of a positive RT-PCR or antigen test attesting to the recovery of the Covid, more than 11 days and less than 6 months (= the certificate of recovery)
    Obtain your vaccination pass © Women’s Journal

End of the vaccination pass: everywhere in France?

The Prime Minister announced a further relaxation of health measures. In this context, the vaccination pass is lifted on Monday March 14, 2022 to access all places (restaurants, bars, nightclubs, cinemas, theaters, performance halls, museums, stadiums, fairs and exhibitions, etc.) where it is currently required. However, the health pass (which allows you to present either a vaccination certificate, the result of a negative test or a recovery certificate) is still required. at the entrance to hospitals, retirement homes and establishments for the disabled, in order to protect the most vulnerable people.

Do you need a vaccination pass in the gyms?

The vaccination pass is no longer mandatory to go to the gym since Monday, March 14. There is also no longer a mandatory mask.

Do you need a vaccination pass on a train?

Since March 14, the vaccination pass is no longer required in France for long-distance travel by interregional public transport, planes (domestic flights), trains (TGV, Intercités, night trains) and interregional coaches not contracted. In other words, from March 14:

  • no longer need to show a vaccination pass to travel to France
  • to travel outside France ; it is necessary to check the health rules relating to entry into the territory of another country on France Diplomacy. To return to France, vaccinated people do not need to provide a test while people unvaccinated must present to the transport company and the border control authorities the negative result of a PCR test less than 72 hours or antigen test less than 48 hours before departure (departure of the first flight in the event of a connection).

Is the vaccination pass compulsory in the restaurant?

Since March 14, there is no longer a compulsory vaccination pass to go to the restaurant. There is also no longer a mandatory mask.

What are the differences between a vaccination pass and a health pass?

The health pass authorizes the presentation of an anti-covid vaccination, the certificate of recovery or a negative Covid test while the vaccination pass only recognizes the certificate of recovery and complete vaccination. If the vaccination pass is completely abolished on March 14, 2022, the health pass is still required at the entrance to hospitals, retirement homes and establishments for the disabled, in order to protect the most fragile people. These establishments therefore remain accessible with a negative screening test, except in the emergency rooms of hospitals and clinics, where no pass is required.

How many doses to have a complete vaccination pass?

The vaccination pass is a document that certifies the complete vaccination status of its owner. Logically and as for the health pass, is considered to have a complete vaccination schedule, a person who has received both doses (or one dose in the event of prior Covid infection) + a booster dose. The booster dose should be performed from 3 months after the end of his initial vaccination schedule and in a maximum period of 4 months.

  • If I received 2 doses of vaccineI have to do my booster no later than 4 months after my second injection.
  • If I had Covid-19 and then received a single dose of vaccine (Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, Moderna), gotta do my recall no later than 4 months after my injection.
  • If I received a dose of vaccine (AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna or Janssen) and I had Covid-19 for more than 15 days after the injection, I have to do my reminder no later than 4 months after my infectionwhich is the duration of the certificate of reinstatement.
  • If I had Covid-19 and then received a dose of Janssen after my infection, I have to do my booster no later than 2 months after my injection.
  • If I am not yet eligible for the booster dosemy vaccination certificate for the initial vaccination schedule (single dose or two doses) remains valid.

What is the minimum age for the vaccination pass?

The vaccination pass is in effect from the age of 16. The miners of 12 to 15 years old are required to present a health pass to go to the places concerned (including either vaccination against Covid or a negative PCR or antigen test of less than 24 hours). The booster dose not required for adolescents aged 16 and 17, they are considered fully vaccinated with two doses. The booster dose is therefore not necessary to maintain the validity of the vaccination pass for them.

Do I need a vaccination pass to go to the hospital?

Not necessarily. In hospitals and health establishments in general, a health pass is sufficient. That is to say, you must either be vaccinated against Covid, or have a recovery certificate, or present a negative test. Same thing for going to accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (EHPAD) and retirement homes.

  • December 27, 2021: the bill is presented to the Council of Ministers by Jean Castex.
  • January 3, 2022: the bill is examined in the Assembly, then is suspended at the request of the majority of the deputies.
  • January 4, 2022: the debates around this bill have once again been suspended, after a statement by Emmanuel Macron interviewed by Le Parisian January 4 “I’m not for pissing off the French. I rail all day against the administration when it blocks them. Well, there, the non-vaccinated, I really want to piss them offsparking outrage from the opposition.
  • January 5, 2022: At 5:25 a.m., the National Assembly adopted the bill on the vaccination pass at first reading (214 votes for, 93 against and 27 abstentions)
  • January 12, 2022: The Senate gave its first green light to the bill, however providing for amendments (modifications to the initial text)
  • Wednesday January 12, 2022: The Senate voted in first reading on an amended version of the bill.
  • Thursday, January 13, 2022: deputies and senators meet at the Palais Bourbon to try to agree on a common version of the bill in a joint committee.
  • Sunday January 16, 2022: the Parliament adopts the vaccination pass in France by fixing the minimum age at 16 years. The Constitutional Council was seized by about sixty deputies and must render its decision.
  • Friday January 21, 2022: The Constitutional Council has delivered its decision on the bill transforming the health pass into a vaccination pass and validates most of the bill, except for the possibility for organizers of political rallies to request a health pass from participants.
  • Monday, January 24, 2022: implementation of the vaccination pass in France
  • Tuesday, February 1: update of the vaccination certificate for people positive for Covid.
  • Tuesday February 15 : the reminder date must be made within 4 months to keep a valid vaccination pass against 7 months.
  • March 14: end of the vaccination pass in France.

Sources: Vie-publique.fr/ Covid-19: a European health certificate, June 16, 2021 / WHO / Report of the National Assembly, December 30, 2021.
