End of the Draghi government, PNRR and tax reform at risk

Markets Draghi government crisis complicates ECB anti spread tool

(Finance) – The Draghi government gets confidence in Senatebut with only 95 votes in favor after leaving the classroom 5 Star Movement he was born in center right of government. This is the lowest result that the government has achieved in this legislature. The Prime Minister then announced to the Chamber, at the beginning of the general discussion, his intention to resign at the Quirinale.

“In light of the vote expressed by the Senate last night, I ask that the session be suspended to go to the President of the Republic to communicate my decisions”, he declared Mario Dragons speaking to the Room.

The 5 days of decanting than the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella had imposed on the Prime Minister before making the resignation, announced because the “pact of trust” that Draghi proposed to Parliament had failed. The tones and manners first infuriated the League and then the whole center-right gathered at Villa Grande by Berlusconi. A speech that did not even like 5 Stars for “the contemptuous attitude”, as defined by Giuseppe Conte.

“We did everything possible” to avoid the worst ending of a “dramatic” day, commented the exponents of the Match Democratic that most of all has spent to avoid early voting. A “black page for Italy”, the policy “has failed”, added Di Maio. The prediction of Enrico Read they are early elections that will go “quickly”. But to decide the times will be the Quirinale where Draghi should in fact go up, after the passage, probably quick, to Montecitorio to announce that he will resign.

From the PNRR at the Budget Law, from interventions to reduce the tax wedge to the minimum wage. After yesterday there are many projects in the balance. The government construction site in fact stops. The measures that the urgency of the moment could require could be saved, such as the launch of the decree at the end of July-beginning of August that even a government that is not in the fullness of its powers could adopt to lighten the burden of the expensive power on households and businesses. The early end of the legislature, on the other hand, would send all the measures now in Parliament into the attic: from the bill competition at the reform tax.
