End of the corporate health protocol: new rules on March 14

End of the corporate health protocol new rules on March

Monday, March 14, 2022 marks the end of the corporate health protocol, announced the Ministry of Labor. Date on which the wearing of the compulsory mask at work and the application of the vaccination pass are lifted. What rules for teleworking? Barrier gestures? The cafeteria ? Know everything.

[Mis à jour le 14 mars 2022 à 10h27] Monday, March 14, 2022 marks the implementation of several reductions in France, such as the end of the health protocol in the company. Elisabeth Borne, the Minister of Labor, announced it on Tuesday March 8, 2022 on LCI. Date on which the wearing of the mask, the vaccination pass and the distances are lifted. “On will resume one of the normal rules in business“, she assured, while obviously continuing to apply hygiene rules such as hand washing, cleaning of work surfaces and regular ventilation of the premises. In concrete terms, what does this mean for employees?

What relief at work on March 14, 2022?

Since Monday, March 14, 2022:

  • End of the application of the health protocol in the company
  • End of wearing a mask at work
  • End of the distances
  • End of the application of the vaccination pass
  • End of the rules applied in collective catering

>> In contrast, “We must continue to apply the rules of hygiene”such as barrier gestures (hand washing, cleaning of surfaces, ventilation of premises, etc.)

>> A guide to “measures to prevent the risk of contamination with Covid-19 outside an epidemic situation”distributed by the minister to the social partners, must replace the national company protocol.

What rules for collective catering?

“The rules applied in collective catering will disappear“, on March 14, indicates Elisabeth Borne on Tuesday March 8, 2022 on LCI. So no more distancing from 2m between each table, staggered positioning and the rule of 8m² per employee.

What rules for teleworking?

As the corporate health protocol is lifted on March 14, 2022, the use of telework is no longer mandatory in both the private and public sector. Nevertheless, it can remain recommended. “We had already handed over to the companies“, specified Elisabeth Borne on March 8 on LCI. In this sense, employers set, within the framework of local social dialogue, the procedures for using teleworkensuring that links are maintained within the work collective and the prevention of risks linked to the isolation of employees working from home.

What rules for the mask?

Since March 14. wearing a mask is “lifted everywhere” in France. Logically, it is raised in companies. On the other hand, it remains required in public transport and in health establishments. Information confirmed this Tuesday, March 8, 2022 by Elisabeth Borne on LCI. However, “employees who wish to can continue to wear a mask, without the employer being able to oppose itexplains the guide to measures to prevent the risk of contamination with Covid-19 outside of an epidemic situation, which replaces the health protocol in companies.

Are farewells allowed?

The moments of conviviality bringing together face-to-face employees in a professional setting can be organized in strict compliance with barrier gestures


– NATIONAL PROTOCOL TO ENSURE THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF COMPANY EMPLOYEES IN THE FACE OF THE COVID-19 EPIDEMIC, June 29, 2021, updated on January 3, 2022 Ministry of Labour, Employment and Integration.

– Preventive measures in the company against Covid-19, Ministry of Labour, Employment and Integration.

– Work and Covid-19: what are the rules? and Evolution of health rules in the workplace, Service-public.fr

– Companies: the health rules of the protocol are changing, October 21, 2020 Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information, Service-public.fr
