(Finance) – The European Commission’s 73rd ECAC Special Meeting, the pan-European intergovernmental conference of which the DG ENAC Alessio Quaranta is president, with the participation of the Italian delegation led by ENAC President Pierluigi Di Palma. “A few days ago, an important recognition for Enac came from the Council of State which confirmed the legitimacy of our Regulation, consistent with European legislation, which, to safeguard safety, prevents the possibility of applying an additional cost to accompanying persons to reserve seats next to children under 12 and disabled people” said Di Palma in his speech representing Italy, recalling Enac’s constant commitment to protecting passenger rights.
Of Palm he then took the floor on theTrend of the summer season in Italy. “The traffic data – he said Of Palm – have exceeded those of the pre-covid period, despite recording some disruptions attributable to problems related to the interconnection of air links which, at times, are also caused by problems attributable to safety. As Italy, we propose to assign EASA an exclusive leadership role, thus delegating controls on carriers to national authorities, especially in countries with limited capacity, to ensure more coherent and effective safety management”.
The day of work had been started by ECAC President Quaranta. “Meetings like these, which involve all the institutions in the sector, – said Quaranta – are important opportunities for an open discussion on the results achieved by the EU in the field of civil aviation and on the priorities for facing an increasingly challenging future”.
The Italian delegation is composed of the Central Director for the Coordination of International Relations, Security and Research at ENAC, Giovanna LaschenaThe Permanent representative of Italy in Montreal, Amb. Sergio Martes And Luca Demicheli, environmental policy expert at the Permanent Representation to International Organizations in Paris.