ENAC, Assaeroporti and airport managers join the 2022 Music Festival

ENAC Assaeroporti and airport managers join the 2022 Music Festival

(Finance) – The music returns to be the protagonist in national airports on 21 June, on the occasion of the Music Festival 2022, focused this year on the theme ‘Recovery Sound & Green Music Economy’. L’National Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC), Assaeroporti and the Italian airport management companies join for the fourth time this important international cultural event promoted in our country by the Ministry of Culture, by the Italian Association for Promotion of the Music Festivalby the Representation in Italy of the European Commission and by the SIAE, in collaboration with many other cultural bodies and associations.

This year’s edition is particularly important for all airports: represents a symbolic moment of restart for a sector among the most affected by the crisis triggered by the pandemic, which has led to an unprecedented contraction of passenger traffic data. The next June 21st, eight Italian airports will host events, initiatives and musical performances aimed at both passengers and the large community of airport workers. The repertoire it will range between various genres, touching classical, popular, light, jazz, pop, rock and country music. The airports of: Bari, Bergamo, Cuneo, Milan Malpensa, Naples, Olbia, Turin and Trapani have joined the initiative.

“When the organizers offered us to confirm our membership – declared the Director General of ENAC Alessio Forty – I replied with the enthusiasm of those who wish the Music Festival to be a festive wish for a return to everyday normality and the habit of air travel. Never as this year has this event contained a profound meaning of union and resistance and a restart. I thank all the airports that, even in a difficult moment, did not want to miss this appointment, giving an even deeper meaning to the contamination that is typical of music, like travel. A festival that becomes a bridge that unites passengers, airport workers, artists and musicians under the aegis of music, art and culture “.

Valentina Menin, General Manager of Assaeroporti, sharing what was expressed by the Director General of ENAC, stated: “We are pleased to have renewed the participation of Assaeroporti and the Italian airports in the Music Festival. After two years of pandemic, making notes and melodies ring out in our airports means returning to normalcy and helping to convey a message of recovery and hope for the whole country. We thank the Ministry of Culture and the Italian Association for the Promotion of the Music Festival for having involved us and all the airports that have joined the event by organizing engaging musical performances for the day of 21 June. Music, thanks to its universal language, has an extraordinary unifying power: it crosses borders, joins cultures, lasts over time. And in difficult historical moments like these, the whole world needs that harmony that only music, as an art form, is able to give “.
