[En intégral] Dieudonné Niangouna (Democratic Republic of Congo): “Ghost”

En integral Dieudonne Niangouna Democratic Republic of Congo Ghost

Three brothers and sisters, accompanied by their nephew, meet to sell the house of a father they never knew. But an old man, come to shelter from the rain, will sow discord. Why does he look so much like their deceased father? How does he know his story, that of a man who went to hunt white rhinos in Africa and died there? Over rowdy discussions, the characters try to unravel the truth.

Ghost is a quest for identity that is pronounced as an investigation into a history suffocated by shame and opprobrium. The text was created in 2018 at the Berliner ensemble, but has never been read or performed in France.

Directed and adapted (radio version) by Catherine Boskowitz. Read by Jean Boissery, Marie-Do Féval, Jean-Charles Massera, Natascha Rudolf and Yassim Ait Abdelmalek (student from the École du Nord).

Musical creation: Benoist Bouvot.

Dieudonne Niangouna

Dieudonné Niangouna, playwright, director and actor makes theater in the urgency of speaking, with a dazzling language that dares everything, mixing worlds, the living and the dead. With Criss Niangouna, he created his own theater troupe, Les Bruises de la Rue, in 1997 in the Republic of Congo, as well as the Mantsina festival on stage in Brazzaville, his hometown. In 2007, he was invited to the Festival for the first time, before becoming an associate artist for the 2013 edition. explosive and subversive, nourished by the poetic language of Sony Labou Tansi. His pieces are performed all over Europe and Africa, and he is preparing a creation for the MC93, Portrait Désir. He has just obtained for all of his work the Young Theater Beatrix Dussane-André Roussin prize awarded by the French Academy.

Catherine Boskowitz, director, author and visual artist, works in France, on the African continent, in the Middle East, in Colombia, in Haiti and is currently traveling in Algeria to write her next show Le cheval de Toussaint Louverture. His latest texts and productions are The worst is not (always) certain and The refuge. She directed the first three years of the reading cycle Ça va, ça va le monde!

Fantôme is published by Solitaires Intempestifs (2019).

Alright everyone!

The It’s okay, it’s okay world! is designed and coordinated by Pascal Paradou and directed by the director Armel Roussel, with the collaboration of the École du Nord (EdN), a higher professional school of dramatic art directed by David Bobée. It is co-produced by RFI and the company [e]utopia, with the support of the SACD for its radio cultural action, Wallonia-Brussels International and the French Institute.




Presented by: Pascal Paradou.

Direction and sound recording: Jérémie Besset and Thibault Baduel.

Technical coordination: Benjamin Avayou


Writing and coordination on rfi.fr: Siegfried Forster (in collaboration with Sonia Borelva).

Photos: Pascal Gély.

Videos: Dominique Fiant, Romain Ferré.

To listen to the other readings of “It’s okay, it’s okay people! » ⇒ click here
