employers divided on the attitude to adopt

employers divided on the attitude to adopt

Several measures proposed by the New Popular Front and the National Rally appear inappropriate and even dangerous for the French economy, growth and employment “. Medef’s position this Thursday is clear and, it must be said, quite unusual. During the last major elections, the largest French employers’ organization did not name any parties before the first round. Among employers’ organizations, the position of Medef is exceptional, the declarations of other unions of business leaders having proven to be much more timid. Illustration of an employers which, like French society, appears fragmented.

5 mins

►Employers, a socially and politically heterogeneous group

In the wake of the dissolution, the employers’ unions worked for a time on a joint declaration. No result. And for good reason, employers’ organizations are as diverse as their members. Michel Offerleauthor of Boss, Anamosa, 2024, reminds us that from the point of view of political behavior as well as from a sociological point of view, few things unite a leader of a large group and an independent.

►Within small employers’ unions: the fear of offending RN voters

Employers’ organizations find themselves confronted with extremely diverse situations, depending on the type of business leaders they are supposed to defend. In recent years, the National Rally has seen a clear surge among VSE-SME bosses and the self-employed. We therefore understand the uncomfortable position of certain small business unions: “ The U2P (Union of Local Businesses) is hampered around the edges », explains Michel Offerlé. “ Some of their members would not understand that the organization to which they belong calls for voting against the extreme right, being themselves voters of the National Rally “. An embarrassment all the more pronounced among the leaders of small employers’ unions as they often remain, on a personal level, very skeptical of the proposals from Jordan Bardella’s party.

►In most cases, positions that are intended to be economic, not political

The U2P, like other unions, has not remained silent. “ Faced with the risks of crazy economic or social proposals “, it is right to ” prioritize the interests of our companies », declared its president Michel Picon this Monday. The CPME (Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises) called “ the parties or coalitions claiming to govern France tomorrow, to regain a sense of reality “. If these declarations do not deceive anyone as to their recipients, they remain modest. Caution is required.

►An unusual position, called for by the presidential camp

Medef’s announcement will undoubtedly delight the Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire who, less than forty-eight hours after the dissolution, called “ the economic world ” has ” getting wet “. This is the first time that Medef has so explicitly attacked parties before the first round of an election. During the presidential elections of 2017 and 2022, France’s leading employers’ union, like most of its counterparts, waited until the second round to call for a barrier to the far-right. Proof of prudence certainly, but also of only partial support for Emmanuel Macron’s project, who many business circles criticize for having widened the public deficit.

So why such a development? The explanation probably lies in the unprecedented nature of the current political situation. The presidential camp, the only large bloc spared from Medef’s criticism, has a good chance, given the current state of opinion, of being ousted in the first round in most constituencies. The polls currently predict a large majority of RN – New Popular Front clashes in the second round. On the evening of June 30, any hope of a presidential majority in the Assembly could therefore have already vanished. Medef has in fact decided to throw all its weight into the election, before it is too late.

►The reasons for caution, despite the concern

But what are employers’ unions afraid of when it comes to taking a stand? Some believe they have more to lose than to gain. In view of the results of far-right parties in the last European elections – almost 40% of the votes cast – certain business leaders refuse to publicly oppose the far-right, fearing of offending many of their potential clients or consumers. More simply, some business leaders believe that it is simply not their role to give voting instructions. “ My skill is economics »made a point of recalling this week François Asselin, president of the CPME (Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises).

At present, only two small employers’ organizations have dared to move beyond a purely economic discourse to enter the realm of values. Impact France is the only one to have gone so far as to attack the far-right by name. Immediate consequence: the general director of Mirova, Philippe Zaouati, slammed the door of this union of bosses of the social and solidarity economy, regretting the absence of condemnation of “ left-wing extremism “. Enough to make other employers’ organizations think twice before adopting a fixed position…

►« Some bosses fear the New Popular Front more than the RN »

The situation is all the more delicate for employers’ organizations, as not all business leaders agree on the enemy to be targeted as a priority. “ Among major business leaders, some fear the New Popular Front more than the RN » confides Michel Offerlé. Several of them privately express their hope of tempering certain desires of the RN, once it is in power. The possibility of seeing the National Rally gradually soften its economic discourse, in the manner of Giorgia Meloni in Italy, is obviously on everyone’s minds. And Jordan Bardella seems to want to play on this string, the potential future Prime Minister having already announced that he is postponing some of his symbolic measures until after 2027. This Thursday, the three blocs are invited to defend their economic program before French employers. An opportunity for the leader of the RN to initiate a new seduction operation.

Read alsoLegislative elections in France: Jordan Bardella sets out his vision of possible cohabitation
