Employees at Örebro University support Palestine protest

For almost two weeks, pro-Palestinian students have occupied land on Örebro University’s campus in support of Palestine in the current conflict with Israel. Similar actions have also taken place at some other universities in the country.

Sent on Tuesday

Now employees at Örebro University have written an open letter to the management in which they support the students’ protest, which N.A be the first to tell. The letter was sent on Tuesday and had then been signed by 102 people.

Joint statement

The management of Örebro University does not agree to an interview with SVT today, but refers to a joint statement made by the Swedish Association of Universities and Colleges (SUHF).

“Sweden’s universities underline the importance of and protect freedom of expression and academic freedom. Peaceful demonstrations under legal forms are the right of every citizen of society and also students and staff at universities and colleges have the right to express their opinions”, writes SUHF.
