Emmanuel Macron’s letter to political parties arouses little enthusiasm

France President Macron returns to HugoDecrypte

Following the meetings in Saint-Denis, the President of the Republic gave the leaders of the political parties until Sunday September 10 to respond to his letter. Not everyone has done so yet. The answers are trickling in.

2 mins

The leaders of political parties take the time to respond to the six-page letter sent to them by Emmanuel Macron on Thursday September 7. This letter invited political leaders to provide him with “ proposed modifications or additions by Sunday evening “. And not surprisingly, the feedback is not enthusiastic.

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The head of the Republicans, Éric Ciotti, judges the initiative of the Head of State “ disappointing in its method and its scale ”, and requires a precise timetable.

The national secretary of EELV, Marine Tondelier, criticizes the place of ecology in the president’s missive, two sentences out of six pages. As for Fabien Roussel, boss of the PCF, he is asking the Head of State for “unprecedented responses” and mainly a questioning of European budgetary constraints.

The political coordinator of La France insoumise, Manuel Bompard, responded this Monday, September 11 to the Head of State, and reiterated his “ opposition to the presidential monarchy and the circumvention of parliamentary debates “.

But in the majority too, not all responded. If the leader of the Renaissance party, Stéphane Séjourné, hailed the Saint-Denis meeting as “ a rare moment of unity and political overcoming “, he showed little enthusiasm on ” the question of broadening the scope of the referendum, in particular to immigration “.

François Bayrou did not send his response for the MoDem but confided in the press that he was not in favor of this “ that we make immigration a subject that lights the fire, on which gasoline is poured every day “. As for Édouard Philippe, for Horizons, he has not yet sent a response.

Jordan Bardella, president of the National Rally, for his part decided not to respond to the presidential report. A next meeting is planned for the fall, but for the moment there is no certainty about the participation of the leaders of each party.

Read alsoFrance: after the meeting with Emmanuel Macron, party leaders skeptical
