Emmanuel Macron’s impeachment procedure validated by the Assembly office

Emmanuel Macrons impeachment procedure validated by the Assembly office

The National Assembly office validated this Tuesday the procedure for the impeachment of Emmanuel Macron filed by a section of the New Popular Front deputies. While France has been waiting for its new government for two months, the NFP believes that the head of state is leading an “anti-democratic coup”. However, this procedure has almost no chance of success.

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The Bureau of the Assembly has just completed its meeting and it is now confirmed: the proposed resolution to dismiss Emmanuel Macron will continue its path in the lower house. With the NFP having a majority in the office, the vote went to 12 votes against 10.

This is therefore an unprecedented moment under the 5th Republic because never before has an impeachment procedure gone this far. 10 years ago, a proposal tabled by the right against Francois Hollande had been pushed back from the office stage.

But this dismissal, in all likelihood, will not take place because the path to applying Article 68 of the Constitution is strewn with almost insurmountable obstacles. Two-thirds of the deputies and then the senators would have to vote in favor of the resolution before the High Court of the Republic, which brings together 11 deputies and 11 senators, can rule.

However, most groups in the Assembly are opposed to it, including within the New Popular Front itself. The socialists have already announced that they will not vote in favour of the text. For the moment, it must go before the Assembly’s Law Commission, where the left and the environmentalists do not have a majority.

It is therefore more of a media battle than a real institutional issue. but it is an opportunity to put the early departure of Emmanuel Macron into the public debate “, judges a leader of FranceInsoumise.
