Emmanuel Macron will unveil his program

In a campaign reduced to the strict minimum due to the war in Ukraine, the president-candidate will engage this Thursday in the exercise of the press conference to unveil his program less than a month before the election. Failing to debate with his opponents, which he refused before the first round, Emmanuel Macron will answer questions from journalists to explain his vision.

This press conference is supposed to be a highlight of Emmanuel Macron’s campaign. After launching a few measures into the debate (abolition of the audiovisual tax, postponement of theretirement age at 65…), the president-candidate must explain the general architecture of his project and say ” Why he is running for a second term, says a campaign executive. Above all, the outgoing president must show that he remains a reformer after five years in power, reports Valerie Gasfrom the political service of RFI.

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Even if he has aged and will be less divisive in a second five-year term, he will remain in a logic of in-depth transformation, ” wants to believe a craftsman of the 2017 campaign. A senior official of the majority who had access to the program says that Emmanuel Macron will be “consistent with the spirit of 2017 on emancipation and overcoming. »

Rediscovering the disruptive essence of the original macronism and at the same time highlighting his experience as president, embodying protection and at the same time presenting a vision of society ” desirable », « optimistic Says a relative in order to build on his advantage in the polls, that’s the whole point for Emmanuel Macron in a flash campaign where his opponents accuse him of dodging the debate.

► To listen also: March 17, 2022 – Macron gentleman burglar

► To read also: Which presidential campaign for Emmanuel Macron?

