Emmanuel Macron wants to “rethink all” of French military devices in Africa

Emmanuel Macron wants to rethink all of French military devices

French President Emmanuel Macron held his traditional speech to the armies on Wednesday July 13, on the eve of the French national holiday.

In his intervention intended for the Armed Forces, from the Hotel de Brienne where the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense is, Emmanuel Macron spoke at length about the future of Operation Barkhane, which is currently experiencing a logistical challenge in order to withdraw from Mali in just six months, he recalled.

This departure after eight years of presence was a ” evidence “, recalled the chief of the armies, evoking the excesses of the junta in place in Bamako, ready to ally with Wagner’s Russian mercenaries and to forge alliances with certain jihadist groups.

But in the eyes of Emmanuel Macron, Barkhane’s efforts were not in vain, having made it possible to avoid the emergence of a territorial caliphate in the Sahel. France, he insisted, will therefore continue its fight against jihadist groups, but in another way. And with the anchor, no longer Mali, but Niger.

This military presence will now be more discreet and will require a review of all French arrangements in Africa. The first arbitrations of this new African policy are expected by the end of the year.

Read also : Departure of Barkhane from Mali: return on a French operation acclaimed then disavowed
