Emmanuel Macron wants to relaunch in 2024

Emmanuel Macron wants to relaunch in 2024

Emmanuel Macron will address the French this Sunday evening, December 31, for the traditional New Year’s greetings. After a year 2023 that was both dense and difficult, marked by economic, social, political crises and wars, the President of the Republic hopes to get its five-year term back in motion in 2024, in particular thanks to the major events that France will host.

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The Olympic Games, the festivities around the 80th anniversary of the landing, the summit of the Francophonie… major events which will be able, we hope on the side of the Élysée, to restore pride and momentum to the French to the president.

The Head of State intends to take advantage of this international agenda to show that his second five-year term is not doomed to fall asleep. Emmanuel Macron reiterated it during his big end-of-year interview, he does not intend to “stop” before 2027. He also announced a new political initiative for January.

In his entourage, we confirm, these wishes will give him the opportunity to talk about the reforms planned for 2024 and to send a message: it is important “ to act and move forward collectively “.

Unity, ambition, hope, the classic ingredients of the recipe for wishes to make us forget the bitter potion of 2023, a mixture of inflation, riots, painful reforms – pensions, immigration… – and prepare for the difficult deadline of the European elections next June.

Wishes to open the new page of the quinquennium book with a question: can it be written by the same government team? When will the reshuffle take place? This is one of the first responses that the president must provide in 2024.

Read alsoFrance: Macron “assumes” the law on immigration, a “shield that we lacked”
