Emmanuel Macron wants to meet the opposition at the start of the school year, Les Républicains dubitatifs

Emmanuel Macron wants to meet the opposition at the start

In a newspaper interview Le FigaroEmmanuel Macron announced “ a major political initiative », Expected at the end of August. The Head of State expresses his desire to launch “ discussions “With the opposition, except France Insoumise and the RN.

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The objective, according to Emmanuel Macron, is to redo ” nation “. But on the right, on the side of the Republicans, this initiative is tense after the president called on the Republicans to ” Toassociate the oppositions ” without “ create coalitions “. The Head of State knows that he will need their support to pass the project of Immigration law. But for the LR deputy, Fabien Di Filippo, this outstretched hand is only a communication blow. ” We are in a game of bluff, that is to say that Emmanuel Macron tries to take everyone to witness, but it cannot work like that. If there is to be a step that must be taken, it must begin by following up on our proposals. “said MP LR.

The 49.3, a red line for LR

Republicans are calling for an amendment to the Constitution to better regulate immigration, to which the president has already said no.

Emmanuel Macron warns : 49.3 is not excluded. But for Fabien Di Filippo, it’s a red line. The deputy of Moselle brandishes the threat of the motion of censure which, with the votes of the Nupes and the National Rally, could succeed. I will not be able to accept that, on a text other than budgetary, the president tries to force the parliamentary game, to block our capacity to legislate and to put the knife under our throat. Today it has neither the political strength nor the legitimacy to do this. So it is his government and Madame Borne who risk paying the consequences. he announced.

With this still very vague proposal, Emmanuel Macron wants to show that he is regaining control without going through his Prime Minister, Elisabeth Bornewhich had failed in its mission to enlarge the majority.

Also to listenFRENCH PRESS REVIEW – Headlines: 100 days and after?
