Emmanuel Macron visiting China without much hope of moving the lines

Emmanuel Macron visiting China without much hope of moving the

Emmanuel Macron arrives in China this Wednesday, April 5. Third state visit to Beijing for the French president against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine. Xi Jinping is very close to Vladimir Putin. The French number one will try to set red lines, without much hope of changing things.

With our special correspondent in Beijing, Julien Chavanne

Se ‘ reconnect with China, that’s the watchword among Emmanuel Macron’s team of diplomats. Because the war in Ukraine has cooled the Paris-Beijing line.

The entourage of the French president also says to themselves ” lucid », realistic, on his chances of pushing Xi Jinping away from Moscow. But France still hopes to find a “ common area with this key player in the conflict. Emmanuel Macron will have to say what is hidden behind this diplomatic expression.

The French head of state will above all lay down a red line to his counterpart: no delivery of arms to Russia. A ” decision that would be fatal “, according to the Elysee.

Emmanuel Macron will not be alone in carrying this message. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, is on the trip. A European front to try to weigh more against the Chinese giant.

For the concrete, it will rather be necessary to look at the side of the contracts which will be signed with the important delegation of business leaders who accompany Mr. Macron. But also in the cultural field, much more consensual. The composer Jean-Michel Jarre or the Chinese actress Gong Li are part of the delegation.

► Also to listen: Macron will draw “Xi Jinping’s attention to the war in Ukraine to find a solution”
